Chapter 49

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In our rush to go to bed last night, Marcel and I forgot to close the curtains, so here I am, lying on the couch, rubbing my temples and worrying at 6 a.m.. The sunlight woke me up and I decided to not go back to sleep but wait on Alexa and Zayn instead.

I sit on the couch, keeping my eyes open but looking at nothing in particular. My head is pounding, my mouth and throat feel disgusting. It's not long until the door opens and Alexa and Zayn walk in one after the other. They both look shattered, Alexa is holding her shoes in her hands and Zayn tries hopelessly to fix his hair.

"Did you find the car?" I ask them with a cracked voice. As Zayn sits down on the couch next to me a strong smell of cigarettes mixed with sweat and alcohol hits me. The smell of a tough night.

"Maybe." he sighs.

"What the hell is that supposed to mean? I can't believe you're in the mood for teasing right now."

"It means we've found out it got towed but we haven't got it back yet. Alexa wanted to come back to get changed and then we're going to go get it."

"It took an entire night to find out your car got towed?"

"My brain doesn't work great when I'm drunk, Delilah."

Alexa comes out of their room afer a while, dressed in fresh clothes and looking ready to pass out any second. She nods toward Zayn who sits up and goes to the door.

"You okay?" I ask Alexa.

"Not exactly. Hopefully we can get the car back and this will be over soon." her voice is husky from all her drunk screaming and I can hear how tired she is.

I take everything in and suddenly the abnormality of the situation hits me. We're not even legal, and here we are, hungover and mostly physically broken in a way too expensive hotel room. I look at the bar and I can see that half the bottles on the shelf behind are gone. We've drank more alcohol in two days than an alcoholic person in two weeks.

And really, how much of it have I really enjoyed? Maybe only the moment we all stepped into this gorgeous apartment. After all, I am not made for Vegas. I swore to never drink again and yet here I am, hungover for two days in a row.

"I think I'm going to go home today." I announce them out of the blue. Said out loud, it seems like a bad idea because I haven't even asked Marcel about it. But it's what my foggy brain says, and for now I have to trust it. Alexa frowns.


"I guess Vegas made its point." I reply and sit up, heading to the bedroom. Next up, I have to call Matt as quickly as I can and ask him to come pick us up.

Marcel is still sleeping so I take my phone and go out of the room to talk to Matt. He agrees to take us with him but says we have to hurry up so unfortunately I have to wake Marcel up from his peaceful slumber.

I kneel on his bedside and run my hand through his hair. He breathes in deeply and squeezes his eyes.

"Good morning handsome."

He reaches for my hand and pulls it to his mouth. He places a kiss on the inside of my palm and then opens his eyes.


"Listen, I'm going back to L.A. today, Matt is gonna pick me up in forty-five minutes. You can come with me if you want, or you can stay with Alexa and Zayn." i whisper trying as much as I can not to trouble the calm in Marcel's eyes. He looks confused for a second but then closes his eyes again.

"I think I'm going to choose the first option. I could use some of good ol' L.A." he smiles.

"Okay. Do you want me to pack your things?"

"You'd do that?"

"Sure. I'll wake you up so you get dressed." I tell him and get up. He pulls my hand one more time, until I crouch back down next to him, and then he pulls my face and kisses me.

"Thanks. Love you."

"Love you too."

Marcel goes back to sleep, I get changed and pack our things. As I check the drawers before closing our bags, I find a little enevelope in the drawer of Marcel's nightstand. Curiosity pricks at me as I pick it up. A message is written on the back of it and my eyes read it before I can stop myself.

"I will love you no matter how many miles separate us."

I feel inside the envelope and it feels like a charm. It's either a charm or a necklace. I feel the lump in my throat grow bigger and bigger as I understand why he bought the necklace and what the phrase means. I shove the enevelope in his bag before any tears spill out and continue checking the rest of the drawers.

After our room is cleared of any of our belongings, I wake Marcel up and wait for him to get dressed. I remain quiet as my mind keeps flying back to the envelope. The last two words tear me up the most.

Marcel runs his own verification of the drawers and when he opens the one where the envelope was, he hesitates for a bit before closing it again. He asks nothing and I say nothing.

"You ready babe?" he asks picking up our bags.

"Hungry as hell and almost puking all over the floor, but yeah, I can't wait to go home."

"We can maybe ask Matt to stop for some food along the way. Come on."

I take one last look at this little living piece of heaven and then leave without hesitation. I've had enough of Vegas for now. Partying is great, but in limited amounts and legally. I shut the door behind us and follow Marcel to the elevator.

Matt is already waiting for us at the entrance in his worn-out truck, the guards at the entrance giving him dirty looks. He hurries to help Marcel with his bags while I jump in the backseat and instantly close my eyes. I hear the boys climb in and feel Marcel's hand on my thigh.

"You okay?"

"Yeah but my head is about to explode."

He gives me a sympathetic pout and puts his arm over my shoulder, allowing me to sleep on his chest. Matt hits the gas and off we go, back to L.A. and back to the anticipation of mine and Marcel's separation.

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