Chapter 1

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The door creaks open as Alexa and Zayn stumble in, clinging to each other, snogging forcefully. She protests as Zayn looks away to pull the key out and close the door. I sigh and turn my attention back to the T.V.; as usual, they didn't notice me.

Soon enough, the movie I'm trying to watch is ruined by the screams and noises coming from the bedroom.

''Lunch sex or what?'' I mumble to myself getting up and grabbing my phone.

A few hours later Zayn, Alexa and I are sitting at the dining table, drinking ice tea and eating cookies.

''Are you guys ready for our last year in high school?'' I break the silence.

''Totes. Time flies by, huh?'' Alexa responds and I simply nod while Zayn leans in to whisper something in her ear. She giggles and I roll my eyes. I get up, not enjoying the heavy display of affection, and put my mug in the sink.

''Where are you going?'' Alexa asks.

''Dunno. Going to get some fruit or something.'' I say, walking into my bedroom.

 What a great excuse. Like I eat fruit. Ew. Maybe I'm just trying to get away from you and your boyfriend almost fucking in front of me, I don't know, Alexa. This is something I am already used to, but lately it has started to upset me. It's kind of sad to see your best friend, sorry, hear your best friend having fun, while you're still a virgin. Nope, not cool. It's not all about sex either. It's about my own self-esteem, which I don't think can be lower than it is right now. I genuinely love living with her and all, but it gets a bit annoying. Especially when it happens three times a day during week-ends and one time everyday during week-days.

 I end up taking the bus and going to the nearest Subway to drown my sorrow in food. Like I always do. Which is maybe why I'm still a virgin in the first place.

 By the time I get back, Zayn is in the doorway kissing Alexa goodbye. As I approach, he turns around, grabs my waist, and kisses me on the cheek.

''See ya, Dee.'' he says.

Zayn smells nice.

He leaves, and I close the door behind me. Alexa sits down on the couch and ties her hair up in a messy bun. She really loves messy buns.

''What's up with you and your sudden need for fruit? Which by the way I don't see.'' she smiles at me.

I groan, sitting next to her, nobody offering to switch on the T.V.

''I really gotta lose my virginity, man. I'm almost 18 and can say I haven't had a proper boyfriend.'' I say straight up and she bursts out laughing. Not a mocking laugh, just a laugh. I frown and look at her, I don't get what's so funny.

 ''I would let anyone take my V-card, honestly. I'm so desperate, oh god.'' I continue, and her grin doesn't disappear.

''Anyone? Really?''

''Yes! Anyone!'' I admit, and try not to laugh at my own desperation.

''Be careful what you wish for, Dash.'' she says and winks at me. I roll my eyes and groan. She turns on the T.V. and after a few minutes I find myself asking.

''What does Dash even come from? My name's Delilah.''

''Dasha. Your name in Russian, remember?''

''That doesn't even make sense, you idiot.'' I laugh and lie on the couch, throwing my feet on her lap. The lack of conversation makes me close my eyes and I fall asleep.

Before I know it, I'm walking with Alexa on the hallways of the high school building. We stop like 10 times on the way to our lockers, and as usual, the people greeting her ignore me and act like I'm not there. Not that I would mind that much, acting happy to see them isn't one of my hobbies.

 I arrange my books into the small locker, and turn around and see Zayn and his gang walking down the hallway. It's a bit like in the movies, minus the slow-mo and the background music. I almost get my phone out to put music and mock them, but I don't. They approach us, well Alexa, I'm a nobody, Zayn followed closely by Louis and Niall, his best friends. Hot best friends. I shake off the thought and wait for 'the popular couple' to finish their routine. Which is a 'Hi babe!' from both of them, then kissing against the locker, establishing where to meet up before lunch, and finally Zayn saying 'See ya.'. It feels kind of weird having all eyes in my direction, but knowing they're not looking at me. The inconveniences of being best friends with the most popular senior, and her equally popular boyfriend.

 The first classes go by smoothly, like always, and then the bell rings.

''Babes I'm waiting for you in the cafeteria yeah?'' I say, collecting my books and my pencase.

''Sure. Wave if you see me.'' she smiles and rushes out of the classroom to meet up with Zayn.

I sit down with my food and look around for new faces. None. As soon as I see Alexa, I wave, and her and the boys make their way over here. Alexa sits down, and Zayn kisses her temple, letting her know he'll get her food.

''Anything beautiful happen while I was here alone and abandoned?'' I ask, taking a sip of my coke.

''Don't make me feel bad about hanging out with him! No, not really.''

''What is that supposed to mean?''

'Not really' is an answer I dislike very much, it's 'no' with a 'yes' somewhere in there. I just like to know what the 'yes' is about.

''Zayn told me he got into this book club for extra credit, and had a meeting with the people in it, not that you would care.'' she replies, bored.

'Oh' is all I can say, she knows me all too well: I don't care. And that's not even a beautiful event. I start eating; I have been waiting for her too long, and I don't handle hunger well.

''He told me he could maybe find you a fuck buddy in there.'' she looks at me and I choke on my chicken. She scoots closer and taps my back.

''What the fuck, Alexa?'' I don't even expect an answer. She shrugs and moves back to her place. Wow, she really does want me to lose my virginity. Good to know I'm not the only one.

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