Chapter 12

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*For a better effect, you could listen to Michael Brook-Kiss Breakdown when you see this sign '► '. Enjoy, and thank you so much for still reading this!*

When Tuesday comes, I don't meet Leeroy in the subway. I walk alone to school, and look everywhere for Marcel. I barely look in front of me, so I'm not very surprised when I bump into someone. Alexa's looking at me. I look to my right and there's my locker. I somehow walked all the way to my locker. She looks down and turns back to her locker. She gets busy with the books inside and I do the same. I really want to tell her about my growing crush for Marcel but I'm way too selfish to talk first.

''We have P.E. today, don't we?'' she asks. I guess this means we've made up. I'm pretty relieved.

''Tomorrow.'' I answer and she nods, before walking away. Well then. I try to go to where Marcel's locker is at, but the bell rings and I really have to go to class. The first class goes so slowly, I swear I've been in here since last night. When it's time to go out I almost thank Jesus out loud but keep my mouth shut. Again, I push through the crowd to try to see Marcel... or even Leeroy, anyone! I catch a glimpse of a plaid vest and a very blonde hair, and I call them, but they don't hear me in the general noise made by hormonal teenagers. The bell rings again, and my moods shifts because of not being able to greet Marcel by now. My next class is with Alexa, and she sits down next to me. We keep quiet during the whole class, because we are both very interested in the subject.

It takes five thousand hours for lunch to come, but when it does, I go straight to Marcel's locker. I literally jog. I see him there, trying to keep a low-profile and stay away from whoever is feeling  like bullying someone today. When he spots me, his smile appears and I try to stand straight and not melt here.

''Eat with me?'' I ask him and he nods. We're walking close to each other. Too close. I really want his hand to grab me by the waist and keep me close to him, but of course that's not going to happen. It's just my imagination running wild.

After we get our food, Alexa waves to us.

''Do you want to sit with them?'' Marcel asks me.

''Only if you come with me.''

He hesitates but eventually shrugs. We sit down next to each other, but the table is too small, so I'm squished into him. He seems very uncomfortable.

''Are you guys together?'' I look up to who asked the question, and see two pairs of blue eyes set on me. Louis and Niall. I swallow my food and try to say 'no', but Marcel is ahead of me.

''Yeah.'' If I still had the food in my mouth I would've choked on it. I'm so shocked, and so is Alexa. How long has he been saying we're together?

''Aw, you guys look so cute together!'' Zayn joins, and I can sense a bit of venom in his voice. I shoot him a glare, and lean my head on Marcel's shoulder. I decide to play along, because Zayn clearly doesn't know who he's making fun of. He frowns a bit at my move, and goes back to his fries.

Marcel's arm slides across my back, and goosebumps raise all over my skin. No one can see he has his arm around me. Yet, he's still holding me close. My pulse gets faster at the thought of this. I look at Alexa and Zayn who are now holding hands on the table and whispering things to each other, both of them snorting and grinning. Probably laughing at us. Ok. Game on.

Before I can do anything though, Marcel kisses the top of my head. But my hair is dirty, oh gosh. The butterflies in my stomach are killed by my insecureness. So Marcel seems to have noticed Alexa and Zayn trying to compete with us too.

''This feels nice.'' I whisper into Marcel's ear.

''Yeah.'' he responds the same way. I give him the best loved-up smile I can manage and so does he. Only mine isn't completely fake. I can see Zayn and Alexa rubbing their noses together from the corner of my eye. I don't even know where Louis and Niall are, because they aren't here anymore, but I don't care.

And then, the thing I feared would happen the most, happens. Zayn and his girlfriend start making out. And they kiss, and I don't know how they're breathing because they don't seem to stop. Alexa suddenly opens her eyes, and watches me intently.

My heartbeat is not healthy, and I can hear my blood flow in my ears, my hands are getting cold, and I start to shake. She's challenging me. As if on cue, Marcel and I both start to shift.


I can't believe this is happening. I can't believe this. I put both of my hands on Marcel's chest. He grabs my neck with one hand, holding my waist with the other. Believe me or not, this is the first time I'm going to make out with someone. We get closer and closer, and I'm so scared. I have never been this scared. What if I'm a bad kisser? What if my chewing gum gets in the way? Thank God I have it though.

Every thought is interrupted when I feel his breath on my lips. Tears gather in my eyes, and I have no idea why. I close them, and slightly part my lips.

I feel his lips upon mine. And his lips are so soft, and wet and they seem like they have been made to kiss mine. Time stops,  and no one is there except us. There is no sound. I can only feel his lips moving against mine, and his hands pulling me closer. I grab his neck. And it is such a clumsy kiss. But we keep kissing, and I almost run out of breath and I know so does he. He pulls back, and opens his eyes.

He looks at me with those big, green, innocent eyes. And all I can see is him. And all he can see is me. I bite my lip. Marcel grabs my neck again, and pecks me on the lips one more time.

I can't see straight anymore, but when I look over to Alexa, she's absolutely astonished, like she's seen a lion eating salad with a fork. She eventually smiles, and gets up. I look around. No one is watching us. Everyone is chatting and doing whatever they are doing.

I take Marcel's hand under the table, and we entwine our fingers. He smiles shyly at me, and my cheeks turn pink. I never imagined my first kiss in a packed cafeteria, with chatter around me. I never imagined my first kiss with a guy like Marcel. It was messy, and awkward and in public. But now I realize, I wouldn't've wanted my first kiss to be any other way. It was absolutely perfect.

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