Chapter 43

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You know how sometimes there's something really important happening at the end of the day, and it's a really boring day anyway, so you spend it waiting for the important thing? Well, today is one of those days.

At sundown, Jay called Alexa and asked for directions. Twenty minutes later, they show up with their van, screaming and cheering along to the loud music playing inside the car. We all come out of our tents to greet them and show them where they'll be sleeping.

"So I'm going to be sleeping with Zayn in there, Pam and Jay, you can take Delilah's tent because she'll be sleeping in the car and Kev and James, you're going to sleep in the van." Alexa announces. I notice Jay looking suspiciously at Pam and her looking back. It doesn't take much intelligence to know what they're planning, and really, I think it's kind of embarrassing how obvious they are about it.

I look around noticing how no one loses a moment to take out the booze, the blankets, food, etc., etc. Marcel is crouched on the ground, trying to light up a fire. The music from the van is still playing and there's just a general noise that doesn't go along well with our surroundings. When finally everyone is ready, we sit down in a circle around the fire and I watch as conversations are already ignited. This feels like a party. That kind of party where I don't have fun, so I just watch.

Jay and Alexa are talking about their mutual passion for horror movies, and I can practically see the sparks flying between them and the tension. Alexa is sad about Zayn, and Jay is probably simply attracted to Alexa because Alexa attracts everyone.

Kev, James and Zayn are laughing about something beer-related.

And then there's Pam, talking to Marcel, who seems quite comfortable despite his earlier reaction to her. I decide to join in just in case Pam works her charms too well on Marcel.

"All you had to do was actually push the stakes further into the ground." Marcel smiles.

"I knew it! I told Kev he should keep pushing but that guy is more stubborn than me!"

"Where are you guys from?" I chime in to stop Pam from showing off her perfect teeth. Gosh, her prettiness is annoying.


"I've never been to Arizona." Marcel says.

"Oh, you should all come one day! We could go camping in the Grand Canyon or something." Pam is interrupted by James shoving a beer into her hand, and then into mine, and then into Marcel's.

"Everyone up to get wasted?" he shouts, raising his beer can up. Kev, Alexa, Pam and Jay cheer and then, joined by Marcel they take long gulps of their drink. I don't, because I'd like to stay sober and I'm not 'up to get wasted' anyway.

"Guys, guys." Jay hushes them. "Look what I brought."

He takes out a metal box and opens it. Inside, there's what looks like dried grass. Before I can wrap my head around what's in there, Alexa's eyes grow wide, Zayn grins and nods approvingly and Marcel freezes. I slip my hand in his, just because I feel like he's the only 'good' person that's left in my entourage.

Weed isn't something to joke about, no matter how carelessly it's treated in movies and by some people. It's illegal for a reason. It's dangerous. And yet here are these people, so excited about the idea of getting high. Now, this kind of party, is definitely not for me.

"Noo, let's keep it for later." Pam whines and Jay obeys closing the box and hiding it back under his blanket.

"How about Truth or Dare?" James suggests.

"Marcel and I aren't playing." the words roll out of my mouth almost instictively knowing this little game won't go down well. I try to look at Marcel's reaction but he's staring at Jay.

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