Chapter 16

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Biana whipped around to see her Dad, waving and smiling. "Uh.. Hi dad!" Alden narrowed his eyes. His eyes darted at Fitz once more, and said to Sophie, "Take Fitz down to Della and I will handle whatever has happened here." Sophie cast a worried glance at Dex and Biana, but didn't dare look at Keefe. Had she just broken his heart? She helped Fitz off the floor, and led him across the room and down the stairs. About halfway down the stairs, Fitz suddenly  turned into a hallway leading down to a single door. Sophie was curious, but she didn't say anything. He opened the door at the end of the hallway, and there they were, standing outside of the Everglen house. It looked even more breathtaking from down on the ground. Fitz faced her now, and spoke. "Sophie I didn't think it would cause this much eruption. I didn't mean for this to happen, and now I think I have ruined your relationship with Keefe." He paused then, he looked like he wanted to say something else but he kept it quiet. Sophie waited a few more moments before she had her turn to speak. She smiled sympathetically. "I knew something like this was going to happen. That's why I was hesitant to tell everyone." She explained. "But Keefe is obviously going through something right now, so just give it time and space." Fitz looked at her, before he smiled and said. "Okay." 

Back in the house, Sophie and Fitz still followed Alden's instructions by attending to Della. Once they reached Della, she was cutting something long and yellow that looked way too much like a giant slug in the kitchen. She was working so hard she didn't hear them approach, so Fitz was up for the job. "Um ... Hi mom. Can I ask you something?" Della put the yellow slimy thing down, and dried the knife in her hands before turning around. "Sure honey, what can I do for yo...." She dropped the knife as she rushed to Fitz in a wave of panic. "What happened?! We need the medical kit! Sophie, watch him make sure he doesn't get a heart attack! Fitz...." She pointed at his chest. "Don't move a muscle." She death glared at him until he nodded. Then she rushed away in a flurry of arms and legs out of the kitchen. Fitz looked at Sophie. He started at her for a Moment, but they both ended up bursting out in laughter. In the middle of their laughing fit, Della rushed in with two bags as huge and almost and tall and long as her body. She stared at them in horror. "SOPHIE! I TOLD YOU TO WATCH HIM!!!!!!!!" Sophie ended up looking at her feet. Fitz quieted down awfully quick as well, and when Sophie looked back at him, Della had practically installed four ice packs all over his face, and five bandages on his neck, and one on his forehead. Della took a step back and clapped her hands together. "That should do it." This is going to be a long night.

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