Justin Bieber Imagines

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As I walk towards the backyard to try to locate Justin I see him standing with some girl talking. I didn't mind that at all but the part that bothered me the most was the location of his hand. Which may I add was around her waist.

I tried to say something but I couldn't make out a word. I just stood there watching the two.

I knew it was too good to be true. He hasn't changed and he probably never will.

I turn around leaving him to flirt with the girl. I walk home with tears rushing down my face. The wind beating against my bare arms.

As I near my block. I begin to walk faster. I just want to lay down and cry away all the feelings I ever had for that asshole. As I near my parents house. I see the lights on in the living room which means my parents caught on to my lie.

Great now I have to prepare myself for a lecture.

As I enter the house my mom begins to yell but stops.

"YOU BETTER HA- sweetie what's wrong? Why are you crying?" her voice softer than before.

"It's nothing really. I just don't want to talk about it." I say wiping away my tears.

"It is something or else you wouldn't be crying. Now tell me what's wrong?"

I sigh before I start talking "The only reason I lied and said I was sleeping over at Stacy's was because .. I was going to a party with Justin but I happened to see him with his hand around another girl so I just left."

"Oh sweetie come here." my mom embraces me in an enormous hug. Her hands rubbing up and down my back soothingly.

"Go to bed. I know you've had a rough night." she says as I pull away. I walk up the steps and head towards my room I see my mirror and I look at all the pictures of Justin and I. I rip them to pieces and throw them in my garbage bin. I throw away all the gifts he's given me even the flowers.

I wanted nothing to do with him anymore. It's time to start taking steps forward and not backwards. I change out of my clothes from the party and put on my sweats with my spaghetti strap shirt.

As I lay down I still cried but not as hard as I did when I was walking home.

Sometimes you need to let go of the past to live in the future.


The End

Photo Creds to Tumblr

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