Come and See Me

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Inspired by the song 'come and see me' PARTYNEXTDOOR featuring Drake

It's two a.m. and I honestly don't know what was going through Justin's mind when he called but you know me I'm gullible so I'll do anything for him.

"Hey." I say as I wrap myself in my covers I was butt ass naked and I just wanted to sleep.

"What's up you feel like coming to see me?" Jay asks in what seems like a super busy place because I could hear music and all sorts of noise in the background.

"Do you see what time it is?" I ask as I look at the glowing green digits on the clock.

"Yeah so it's never really been a problem before so what's wrong now?" he asks I could just picture him running his hand through his hair and then adjusting his cap.

"Give me some gas money and I won't find a problem." I was joking just a little though since gas was slowly rising up from that buck eighty ... just saying.

"Alright I'll give you some money when you come and see me."

"Do I have to come and see you? Why can't you come and see me?" I ask getting a bit pouty as I snuggle into my pillow and covers more.

"Come on Y/N don't start this up tonight."

"Don't start what up? I was just asking why can't you come and see me for once. I always have to go travel to wherever you are to come and see you but you never do the same."

I hear him sigh into the phone and I think I've lost the argument and offer altogether before I hear him say," What exactly can I do over there?"

"We can do whatever you want to. I promise just please come here I don't feel like going all the way down there just for us to fuck and knockout. If you stay all morning I can probably make you some breakfast."

"Alright fine I'm on my way." We say our goodbyes and hang up.

I smile a victorious smile as I think about how hard we're going to cuddle. I could just feel his hands around me. I wasn't in the sexual mood we've had sex at least three times this week. I wasn't complaining, trust it was amazing something different every time, but I just want to be held by him and just be comforted.

When I heard my phone ring I didn't bother answering it as I stood by my door with the covers wrapped around my, shall I remind, naked body. My hands reach the door knob and I open the door slowly. I open it wide as I see him turn around the phone to his ear.

"I was just calling you."

"I know. Well come on don't just stand there."

I grab his hand and lead him to my room.

"Have you decorated this place or something? It's practically unrecognizable." He states as he looks around as if I'm his tour guide in a gallery, or something of that sort.

"Nope you just haven't been here in that long."

I let go of his hand as I go back and crawl on the bed. I look at him as he undresses to just his boxers. As he gets onto the bed he hovers over me and starts with his lips at my neck. They slowly make their way up to my lips and that's when I put my palm on his face. I could feel the all the stubble against my palm.

I could already start to tell that he was starting to get more into the mood.

"Wait ... can we not do this tonight?" I ask as I force him to move his lips from my neck. I look into his eyes and he gets off of me and lays on the other side of the bed.

"What do you want to do then?" he's not even looking at me.


"Aw come on I didn't drive all the way down here just to fucking cuddle Y/N are you serious?"

"Stop talking to me like that," I sit up and wrap the covers around myself "I go to you whenever no problem but I can't fucking ask you to hold me while I sleep? Is that so much to ask for Jay honestly? Don't come at me with a pissy attitude like I did something to you. For basically the last two weeks I've given you what you want and you can't return the favor? The simplest favor at that?" I ask as I look at him.

"Watch who you're talking to."

"Oh I'm so scared." I say as I look at him. "You're honestly just an asshole I don't know how I deal with you."

"I don't know how I deal with you either."

I scoff," If all you did was come here to get some then you should just go home because you're not getting any. Don't hit me up either go fuck with one of those other girls who are always hitting you up."

He starts to dress and all I could do was scoff because what the hell else am I supposed to do? I can't do anything. All I can really do is watch.

As he makes his way out of my room I can't help but to shout," ASSHOLE!"

He walks back to me and grabs my face in his hand and he looks at me and I stare back just as hard.

"Next time when you want to waste my time just let me know on the phone so I don't bother with coming."

I jerk my face back from his grip.

"Get out."

Should I make this into a three part trilogy too or????

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