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Your POV

I walk onto the school bus with my gym bag on my shoulder. I hear wolf whistles here and there

"Hey Y/N!" the boys shout. I just roll my eyes and take a seat. I grab my phone and plug in my earbuds. I felt the seat besides me go down.

"Leave." I say already knowing who occupied the seat beside me.

"Come on I didn't even ask you the question." he says.

"All right Bieber. What do you want?" I ask as I grab out my earbuds and give him my full attention.

"Ok. Y/N will you go out on a date with me?" he asks.

"Yes." I say.

"But why Y/N ... wait what did you just say yes?!" he asked.

"Yes now if you will excuse me I have to go." I say as stand up.

"I'll come with." he says as he gets up too. I let out a grunt.

As I walk home he keeps asking questions. One after another. What's your favorite color? or What's your favorite food?

"Do you ever shut up?" I ask.

"Yes." he says.

"Wow. Okay so when is this date of ours?" I ask.

"I don't know... When are you free?" he ask.

"This Saturday."

"Great so Saturday." he says with that cute smile.

"Yeah Saturday. Well this is my house so yeah. Thanks for walking me home. I'll see you around. " I say as I walk up the path way.

"I'll see you around too." he says as we wave goodbye to each other.

I walk in the house closing the door and leaning against it with a smile.

Finally away from him.


"Well you look nice." Justin says as I walk down the stairs.

"Thanks you don't look so bad yourself." I say with a smile. I was pretty sure I was blushing because my cheeks were feeling very hot.

"Well Justin you take care of my Daughter. I want her home at 10 o clock on the dot." my dad says looking at Justin sternly.

"I will sir. Thank you for letting Y/N go out with me today." Justin replies with a big smile.

I look at Justin he looks really cute in that beanie and that shirt showed his yummy abs.

We walked hand and hand to a park and I ran to the swings. Childish I know but swings are my favorite. I sat on the swing seat and Justin started to push me.

"Ahh Don't go so high!" I yelled with a little laugh.

"Relax Y/N I got you." he says. After a while the pushes get slower and slower until they finally stop.

"Why'd you stop?" I ask like a brat.

"I want to ask you something?" He said

"Go ahead." I reply a bit nervous about what he's going to ask me.

"Where do you want to go?" he asks.

"Anywhere." I say. I felt a bit disappointed but I didn't let it show.

"Okay." he says as I get up and we walk.

"I like you." Justin says. I wasn't shocked but mostly happy. He asks me on dates all the time so that kind of gave it away.

I looked at him to see him blushing his other hand trying to cover his face.

"Aww you're so cute." I say with a giggle.

"I'm not cute I'm sexy." he says with a smirk.

"Keep dreaming Bieber." I say.

"Why do you always call me Bieber?" he asks.

"I don't know. I don't like calling you Justin it sounds so weird." I reply back my face scrunched up a bit.

"Okay. Just say my name once." he says.

"Justin. Happy." I say with a smirk.

"Damn you sound so sexy saying my name like that." he says as he bite his lip teasing me.

I just want to rip his clothes off!

As we continue walking we stop at this Diner. It's like one of those 60's type dinners. It was pretty cool.

We sat at a table in the back. The woman came to our table she looked like she was in her thirties.

"Welcome to Sally's. I'll be your waitress for the night. What can I get you to drink?" she asked. When we finished ordering she smiled at us telling us what a cute couple neither of us denying the compliment.

As we wait for our food. We just sat there and talked.

"You want to dance?" Justin asked.

"Sure." I say with a smile as he takes my hand.

We dance and Justin twirls me around. We slow dance a little until the waitress,Nancy, tells us our food is ready.


"This was a fun date." Justin says as he walks me up the pathway.

"Yeah it was thanks." I say smiling back at him.

"So I guess this is goodnight." he says shyly.

"Yeah I guess so." I say as I take out my keys. I turn around and kiss him on his cheek.

"Goodnight Justin." I whisper in his ear.

"Goodnight Y/N." The spot where I kissed his cheek instantly becoming red.

*142 Dates later*

"Y/N I really really like you." Justin says.

"I like you too Justin." I say with a smile.

"W-Will you be my girlfriend?" Justin asks nervously. His hands cupping the back of his neck.

I kiss him on the lips. Fireworks Sparks whatever you want to call them were erupting in my stomach.

"Is that a yes?" Justin asks.

"No it's a hell yes." I say with a smile.

The End

Im so sorry I had writers block and I was worried that you guys would hate me but. Yeah I see that you guys are still loyal so thanks. Vote Comment Share Request Taken Thanks again for reading. :)

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