Come and See Me Pt.2

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I look at the all too familiar house.

Today I was coming to pick up Justin's little sister, Jasmine, with my goddaughter, Mikayla. I sigh as get out of the car. I haven't seen Justin in a couple of weeks ever since that night he decided to be a prick. I guess he was sleeping here since his house was here.

I put on a serious face as I approached the door. I had just came from going out with my girls so I looked a bit dressy well not a bit. I was wearing one of those one piece looking bodysuits that was beige and backless with some ripped jeans and heels. My face was done but not too much just something simple.

I hold Mikayla's hand in mine and knock at the door. I could hear Jasmine's little footsteps rushing towards the door. She unlocks it and pulls it open.

She seemed exhausted. Her hair was all over the place no longer in the ballerina bun.

"Why are you so out of breath?" I ask her as I step in.

"I'm just finishing packing. I showered and everything I just need help finding clothes for the weekend."

I giggle before I let go of hyper Mikayla's hand and say," Let Mikayla help you out. Don't forget your essentials ladies." They run towards Jasmine's room and now it's just me standing very awkward in their living room.

Music blasts from Justin's room and I go and knock hard. The door is pulled open instantly.

"WH..." I look at Justin my eyebrows nearly together confused as to who he was talking to.

"I'm just letting you know that I'm about to go with Mikayla and Jasmine." I turn and the all so familiar arms pull me into that room.

"Who have you been with? Why you dressed like that?" He was pressed against me my arms far away from my sides in his grip.

I roll my eyes as I look around the mess of a room and the red lace catches my eyes," Don't worry about me worry about the girl who seems to just have been here not too long ago." I once again pull myself from his grip.

My eyes began to water as I try to form sentences," I fucking trusted you, you asshole!" I yell.

"We're not together."

"SO! You couldn't wait for a month a fucking month."

"We were never together I do what I want." I just wanted to smack that smirk right off of his face.

"You're right," I say as I sniffle "Maybe I should hit up Nick. I know for a fact he'd treat me way better." I look at him and nod my head.

"Go to Nick it's not like I care." He says as he looks at me going to sit on his bed crushed up marijuana on a book next to him.

I scoff as I exit his monstrosity of a room. The girls walk out of Jasmine's room at the same time.

"Wait Jas let me fix your hair." I crouch down to her level quickly creating a bun.

"Thanks Y/N."

I nod my head as we walk out of the house towards my car.


All day we went places I took them to buy a few toys and to get their toes done. I even took them to the park! As we drove to my house both of the girls were falling asleep in the car their heads leaning against their car seats. As we make our way to the driveway I see Justin's car in my driveway and I immediately scoff. The only reason I'm filtered and making a bunch of noises is because there are children here.

I get out of the car leaving it in park as I step to Justin's car window knocking at it.

I roll my eyes as he turns down his music and gets out of the car.

"Have you spoken to Nick yet?" he asks.

"What I do doesn't concern you we aren't dating remember." I say as I look at him crossing my arms. He pulls me on top of his body that was leaning against his car.

"Come on let that go you know how I get."

"Yeah I do and I've told you to stop plenty of times but you don't so if you would just leave so I can go cater to my guest."

"Hear me out alright," he looks at me.

I just sigh and nod my head," We can talk inside after I get the girls up and moving." I back away from him and go to my car and slowly wake up the two little ones.

"Come on guys just get inside and take off your shoes go lay down in my room on the bed. We'll bring your stuff up." I say as I unbuckle the two cranky girls.

As they walk away they wave to Justin and walk into the house. I pop open my trunk and get all of their goodies from inside. I lock my car and we head inside of my house to drop the goodies inside of the guest room.

I sit on the bed in the guest room and kick off my heels and sigh.


"Very. Those are two very hyper girls."

"I see," he giggles "well um lets' get down to business. I don't want you talking to Nick."

I laugh," You said that as if you were my father. I am grown I talk to whoever I want to."

"No you don't. As your boyfriend I say no."

"Boyfriend? Where just a few hours ago you weren't even close to acting sane Jay. I can't deal with you and your moods. I don't even know if you're being serious right now. I can't ... trust you." I bite my bottom lip.

"I understand where you're coming from but I know you miss me too."

"Just because I miss you doesn't mean I'm going to go flying right back into your arms Jay." I sigh.

"What happened to you?" he asks.


"I'm serious."

"Me too."

To be Continued ...

I've taken so long because I didn't know what the hell to do but that idea came to me yesterday.

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