Love Drunk

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This is dedicated to @Avibieber

'My eyes are blue and I'm seeing red and I just can't shake you outta my head'

Avi's POV

I sat down on the couch waiting for Justin to come. I heard him stumbling in the house. I let out a sigh as I rolled my eyes.

"Babe where are you?" Justin slurred.

"I'm in the living room." I say as I stand up to look at him. He could barely walk not even stand up straight. He walked over to me stumbling a few times.

"Give me kiss." he said as he tryed to kiss me but I moved my head to the side. He smelt like alcohol and I couldn't stand it.

"No Justin. You smell like alcohol." I protested.

"God Avi you're such a bitch. You know sometimes I don't know why I left Selena for you." Justin spat. That was a low blow even for Justin.

"You know what Justin you don't have to leave me I'll leave you." I say to him as I head upstairs to pack up the things I had brought here.

I grabbed one of my PINK duffel bags and packed everything I had here. My heart was breaking. I felt a few tears fall down my cheek. I ran a hand through my hair. I never thought this would be happening in a million years.

I grab my keys from off the table and take off Justin's house key. I place it on the table and head to my car. I drove away from the paparazzi and to my own apartments.

For the rest of that night I cried until I couldn't anymore.

Justin's POV

(3 weeks later)

I have been getting drunk every night. I miss Avi. I don't know why I said that I beat myself up everyday for it.

I wake up to a killer hangover my head beating like drums. I looked over to see Selena looking at me.

"Still miss her?" she asked with a smirk.

"No." I lied.

"I knew you wouldn't miss that little bitch." When Selena said that I just lost it.

"Get out." I said.

"I was just kidding baby." she said as she put her hand on my chest. I felt disgusted.

"Get the fuck out!" I yelled to her. She got up and grabbed her clothes and put them back on.

"When you're ready. You know where to find me." she said with a smirk that I just wanted to wipe off of her face.

As she left I showered. Then got dressed in a white shirt and some black leather pants. I slipped on my Supra's and brushed my hair just the way Avi liked it. I put on some shades to block out the paparazzi.

I got into my car Ellen gave me and went to Avi's apartments.

I never felt so nervous in my life. I knocked on the door and I saw some guy open it.

Avi's POV

I heard a knock at the door as Nick a new friend suggested he'd get it. I'm not going to lie Nick was hot like bangable hot. I was gonna make a move but I was still stuck on Justin so it was kind of hard.

I heard a loud groan and I jumped up to see Justin hitting Nick repeatedly.

"Stop!" I yelled to Justin and grabbed Nick from the floor.

"What is he doing here?" Justin asked.

"He was inivited here unlike you. Why are you here shouldn't you be with Selena?" I asked my heart hurting.

I'm not going to cry.

I'm not going to cry. I chanted in my head.

"No I don't love her. I love you." He said looking like he was about to cry. I shifted uncomfortably on my feet.

"Y-You should go Justin." I say but I really want him to stay and cuddle with me all day but I'm just to damn stubborn UHH!

"I'll be back." he says as he leaves. My attention draws back to Nick.

"Are you ok?" I ask him.

"I'm fine the question is are you ok. You look like you're about to break down. If you want to talk I'm here for you." he says as he pats the seat next to him.

I sit besides him and cry and cry. Until I'm finally done. I tell him everything from the fight and now.

"Um its ok." he says as he rubs my back and hugs me.

"I'm sorry for wasting your time." I mumble.

"No its ok. I'm always here for a friend besides my boyfriend is going to understand." he says.

I just nod my head.

"Ok. I'm have to go I would love to stay and chat more but I have work in the morning." he says.

"I understand and thank you." I say.

"No its ok that's what friends are for right." he states as he heads to the door.

"Good night." I say as I open the door for him.

"Good night." he replies as he waves and walks to his apartments. I close the door and head to my room.

Justin's POV

I fucked up big time I thought under my drunk state. I punched a wall and imagined that guy who was alone at Avi's apartments with her.

I punched it repeatedly.

"I need to go home." I mumbled. I walked outside but I was to drunk to drive so I called a cab.

"Hey umm can you take me to this address?" I asked the driver.

"Sure." he said as I got in the back seat.

Avi's POV

I was on my bed tossing and turning I barely got any sleep without Justin around.

I was just about falling asleep when I heard a knock at the door.

Who could it be? I thought as I opened the door.

"Justin? What are you doing here?" I asked.

"I miss you. I miss us. I love you Avi and I know that you love me too I won't hurt you again I promise. I just need another chance to prove it. Please I love you." he practically begged.

"Yes." my mouth said before my brain could even process it. Justin grabbed my waist and put his arms around my waist. I wrapped my arms around his neck and I kissed him for the first time in weeks.

After we finished our little make out session. Justin came to my room with me and I cuddled up against him the warmth from his body making me feel reliefed.

After all me and Justin always break up to make up.

"I love you too." I said before I drifted off to sleep.

~~~~~ Hope you liked it

This was for @Avibieber I hope you enjoyed the chapter. If its shitty please excuse it I've been really drained lately and if you don't understand it just tell me. Shout out to Selena Gomez for being in one of my chapters lol. If she saw this she would hate me. >_

Why do people ask me if I take request when I always write Request Taken???

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