1st Date

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Your POV

I walked down the streets of LA. Smiling to myself as I look at my phone. I bump into someone causing my coffee to drop.

"Fuck!" I say as the hot liquid falls to the floor.

"Oh my god! I'm so sorry!" the person says. I couldn't really see their face all I saw were the persons nose and lips those kissable lips.

Y/N snap out of it!

"Um its ok." I say as I shake my head nervously.

"No its not. Come on I'll take you to the Starbucks I'll buy you another one. I'm Justin by the way." he says.

"Y/N. Thanks." I say as we began to walk to the Starbucks.

"Are you new here Y/N?" Justin asks.

"Yeah I just moved here from Miami." I say with a smile.

"I love the weather down there." Justin says with a smile.

"Me too." I say before a comfortable silence falls between us.

"Were here." Justin says as he grabs my hand. I feel a little electricity.

As we walk in people start to stare and glare at me and Justin I don't know why though.

"Just ignore them." Justin says. I just nod my head. As we wait in line me and Justin make small talk which is better than no talk right?

"Hi My name is Ariana. How may help you today?" she asked as she look at us.

"Um can I get a uh um ... a hot chocolate? " I say more as a question than answer.

"Ok will that be all?" Ariana asks.

"Yes." I say with a shake of my head.

Talk about awkward. Ariana has the hot chocolate.

"What's your name sweetie?" she asks.

"Y/N." I say. She writes my name on the cup.

"Well have a nice day Y/N and Justin." she says. Which catches me off guard.

How does she know Justin?

Did they date?

Shut up Y/N stop over thinking! He probably comes here regularly.

We take a seat in the back.

"You ok?" Justin asks he looked worried.

"Yeah I'm fine." I say with a reassuring smile.

"You sure?" he asks.

"Yeah." I say.

"What brought you here?" he asked as I took a sip of hot chocolate.

"I wanted something new and exciting in life." I say with a smile remembering my old routine in Miami.

"I travel a lot but LA is like a home to me. I'm from Canada." Justin says with a smile showing his dimples.

"Aww Justin you have dimples. They're so cute!" I say as I look at his dimples. He blushes lightly.

"They're not cute they're sexy." he says with a wink.

"Oh I know." I say.

"So what do you do here in LA? " he asked.

"Well I work at a Forever 21 & Victoria Secret." I say.

"Cool so if I come to Victoria Secret will you model some clothes for me?" Justin asked as he licked those perfect pink lips.

"Maybe." I say with a smirk.

"Great." he says with a smile "I'll be looking forward to see you with limit the clothing." he says with a wink.

"You are a perv." I say with a shake of the head and a laugh.

"You ready to go?" Justin asks.

"Yeah." I say.


"Thanks for showing me around." I say with a smile.

"Anytime." he says. "This was an amazing date. The best one I've been on in years."

"Well I'm glad you had an amazing time." I say.

Just then Justin leaned in and kissed me. It was amazing his lips were as soft as I imagined them.

I smile as he pulls back. He takes off the shades.

"You aren't shocked?" he asked.

"No not really I knew it was you after a little while."

"So your not mad?"he asked.

"No not at all."

"Well I guess I'll be seeing you more." He says with a smile.

"Yeah you will."

~~~Hope You Liked It

This was kind of stupid but yeah. Vote Comment Share Request Taken. Thanks for reading

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