Confessions Under The Sunset

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For @CatherineBrasher

Catherine's POV

I sat quietly at the table humming to the song playing in the background. I felt a pair of hands wrap around my waist.

"Boo!" My best friend, Justin, said. My shoulders went stiff but then I realized it was Justin so I relaxed.

"Justin you idiot!" I say with a smirk.

"Yeah an idiot that you love." he says as he sits across from me. "So what's been going on?" he asks as he eyes the menu as he spoke.

"Nothing much really. Ryan asked me out on a date though." I looked at Justin's facial expression and if I would have blinked for a second I would have missed it, it was a flash of sadness and anger in his eyes, but the words that came out of his mouth were totally different.

"I'm happy for you." he says.

Really Justin! Is that all you can say! Does he not know that I love him with every little piece of my heart?!

Oh god.

I just admitted that I, Catherine B., loves Justin Bieber! The guy who I call my Best Friend!  The guy who I knew since I could walk?! I thought it was just a little crush but I actually love him.

I love Justin Bieber!

Huh even sounds catchy.

"Cat!" Justin yells shaking me as if I was a mad man.

"Sorry what'd you say?" I ask.

"I said why don't we get out of here qnd go to the park." He looks at me and in my heas I just imagine what his lips would feel like on mine probably soft and the kiss would most likely AMAZING.

Snap out of it Cat he asked you a question!

"Um yeah sure." I say as I grab my bag. He gets up and speed walks to the door holding it open like a gentleman.

As I approach him he walks out and the door slams right in my face.

"Right. We're just friends hanging out." I say quietly to myself. I walk out with a smirk plastered on my face.

" Thanks for holding the door open Justin your such a gentleman." I say as we walk to his car. I open the door and put my bags in the back seat. I put on my seatbelt and just think as Justin gets in the car blasting music.

As we arrive there I unclick my seatbelt instantly. 

"I have to tell you something." Justin says. I'm a bit nervous.


"Um can it wait? The sun's about to set and I want to see it." I say.

"Okay sure."

As we walk out the vibe between us no longer happy and carefree but very tense.

We sit on ome of the picnic tables no longer bunched together as ususl but separated.

We watch quietly.  As we have half of the sun left Justin begins to talk.

"Catherine don't hate me for this." This was all wrong! He never I mean NEVER calls me by my full name.

"I promise I won't."

He starts singing one of his song. 'Fall' in particular. As he finisheshe says.

"Catherine I love you a lot qnd I want you to be my girl. When you told me you were going on a date with Ryan I was beyond sad but I was also mad because that should have been me not him. Cat, I just want you to be my girl and my girl only. I can't stay friends with an amazing gurl like you. I guess what I'm trying to say is, Will you be my girlfriend? " he asks.

"Yes Justin a billion times yes! I love you so much." He filled in the gap between us and kissed me.

I was right it was amazing and his lips. Oh those lips so soft.

After that I had to cancel on Ryan but I think it was worth it.

The End


So yeah. I hope you liked it and um yeah stay cool I guess and thanks again Catherine for writing me that AMAZING imagine :D.

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