I Miss Daddy

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For @ArleneBieber

Your POV

Our son laid on my chest as I went through my Instagram feed. I got excited as I saw a selfie of Justin smiling before one of his shows. It's been two months since we've seen Justin physically and not virtually.

As Junior saw the picture of Justin his lip started to quiver and his eyes began to water.

"Aw Junior don't cry daddy will be here soon." I say as I hold him against me.

"Why can't daddy come now?" He asked.

"He's busy with his job at the moment." I say to the three year old. "Hey I have an idea you want to hear it or nah?" I ask.

He hits his head with his hand "Mom! That's not cool anymore so can you stop." He says.

"Ok ok but do you want to hear the idea?"

"Yes please."

  "Well why don't we video chat dad me and you together." I suggest.

"Okay mom."

I get off of Instagram and click onto the FaceTime app. I call Justin and he answers immediately.

"Hey guys." He said.

"Hey babe."

"Hey daddy!" Junior says.

"Hi babe." He says with a smile."Hey Junior are you protecting mommy and not causing trouble like I asked?" Justin asks him.

"Yes sir." Junior says as he salutes Justin. "Mom can I talk to dad in private?"

"Sure." I say. As he walks to his room I hear him asking his dad about some new toy cars.

Ten minutes later he comes back with my phone and a big smile on his face.

"Daddy's going to teach me how to play soccer!" He says excitedly.

"Really? Thats amazing I'm going to be your biggest fan."

"Hey! So your not going to be my biggest fan anymore?!" Justin asks.

"Maybe maybe not."

"All right Junior can I talk to mommy now."

"Okay." He hands me my phone than runs to his room.

"Hi baby. How've you been? How's work?"

"I miss you, you know. I miss laying here with you but, everything's been fine and work is fine too."

"Thats good well I get to visit you guys in a couple of weeks."

"Really?!" I yell.

"Yes really." He says with a smile.

Justin's POV

I looked at Arlene on my phone. I miss her so bad. I just want to hold her and kiss her. I especially miss my son. He's growing so quickly and I'm not there to watch it all happen.

There's pro's and con's to the music industry.

We talk a bit more until she starts to yawn.

"Babe are you tired? I can call you later if that's the situation."

"I am but I don't want Junior to be up by himself."

"I don't think Junior's up its too quite." I say with a smile.

"Let me check." she says as she places the phone on the bed.

"No take me with you!" I say quickly.

She grabs the phone walking to his room.

"Turns out he is asleep." She says. He lays on the floor snoring lightly.

She picks him up on her waist and brings him to our room laying him in between the duvet.

I wish I was there laying with them.

"All right babe bye I'll talk to you tomorrow." I say as I kiss the camera and she does the same.

"Okay babe bye I love you."

"I love you more." With that we concluded the call.

Until next time.

The End

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I love you all thanks for sticking with me c:

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Hold tight till next time.

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