Trust In Me pt. 2

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"This is a fucking problem." Tucker says as he walks into the kitchen. I turn to look at him as he has my phone in his hand.

"What?" I ask as I rub at my very pregnant stomach looking up at the guy. "Going through my phone again I see ... nice."

"He's buying you food and buying clothes for the baby and he's always here." He starts fuming.

I roll my eyes as I look at him and start to argue with him," Look he wants to make sure that I am alright so yes occasionally he brings me food while you're at work and before you say anything no I don't ask. I am having his fucking child so of course he is going to worry of course he is going to try to do things! He wants to be fucking involved in our child's life and I don't see anything wrong with that."

"I don't see anything wrong with that but you guys broke up for a reason and that reason was that you don't trust him. I don't trust him either he seems like a sly guy and I don't need that especially around you."

"Around me? Me?" I question as I look at Tucker. "You know you're basically implying that you don't trust me and I don't see why you wouldn't I mean what could I possibly do huh? Guys usually run away from baby bumps not chase after them."

"You give me plenty of reasons not to trust you especially when you're hanging out with this guy who once upon a time you loved."

"SO fucking what!? You think I would ever want to hurt someone the way he hurt me?" I shout. "I'm trying I'm fucking trying to be the bigger person and get over what he did to me but I can't! Not with you breathing down my neck all the time about him!" I feel my face starting to get wet. My vision slowly turning blurry.

I turn back towards the little island and wipe my eyes.

"Babe I'm sorry."

Once my feet hit the floor I somewhat walk and somewhat waddle up the stairs to go to my room. I could hear Tucker trailing behind me at least I knew that he still cared about my physical being.

I've been with Tucker for about three months now and everything was going fine but it's like as we slowly reached my due date little things began to be the topic of our arguments. If he wants to go why can't he just say so and make it not seem like it's me.

"If you want to break up with me just do it because it seems like the closer we get to my due date the more we argue and I can't do this. I am the subject of every argument it's always something that I do. I am always wrong to you. So if you want to do it just do it now. I have three more weeks and I'll be having a child and if you can't handle it or you don't want to just go now." I say as I wipe the tears from my face as I look up at him.

"I'm sorry but I thought this would be the easiest way out."

I scoff," Of course you did. Putting the blame on the girl is always the easiest way out right? Just go." I say as I shake my head. I bite my lip as I watch him pack up his things. He places his lips on top of my fore head and whispers another sorry as he walks out the door leaving out of my life.

It's not my fault that they leave.

It's not my fault that they leave.

Them leaving has nothing to do with me.

I am amazing.

I'm not crying. I can't cry. Maybe I didn't love him. Maybe ... maybe he was just a filler in my life. I'm supposed to be hurting but I can't hurt because after Justin I decided not to love so hard because I was so afraid of the fall. The horrendous fall. I can't have another one of those because if I do it'll break me. It'll make me into someone I don't want to be.

I let out a sigh as I let out a huge sigh. I go into the spare room right next to mine that belongs to the unborn baby whose sex I don't know. I sit in the rocking chair and just think of everything. I'm going to be an amazing mom.

I'm never ever going to let my child down.

"It's just you and I." I whisper as I rub at my stomach.


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