Baby Avery

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Justin runs into the house his face all sweaty and his soaked shirt in his hand. He jogs over to me and puts his hand on my waist and quickly presses his lips against mine. I could feel the sweat from his upper lip on mine. I quickly wipe it away.

"Aw man Justin don't do that." I say a bit loud.

"Shh it's the baby's nap time."

"He's not here right now your mom has him. She's probably feeding him loads of ice cream and bragging to her friends about those two little teeth that just popped out." I say with a giggle as I think of his little smile that he does now that he has teeth.

"I remember when he didn't have them the little tremble his lips would do before he cried and made a big fuss about how much they hurt."

I laugh as I wrap my arms around his neck but then quickly unwrap them," Nasty sweat."

Justin laughs as he hits me with his shirt," I'm going to go shower so we can spoon super hard and catch up on some sleep."


Tip #1: Get as much sleep in as possible because babies are like bats. They sleep during the day and are ready to play all night.

I go hop into our bed and instantly wrap myself in our cozy covers and just daydream of our little family which will eventually grow bigger since Justin is basically a rabbit.

I lay on the bed and I cuddle into the pillow snuggling my head into the little cloud.

"You're so quiet I thought you were asleep."

"Nope patiently waiting for you baby."

"Patient? You? Nah not happening."

"It so is now come on lets sleep before Avery gets back and murders us with the noise."

"Mm," Justin snuggles into me "maybe when my mom brings him back he'll be all knocked out and drooling his life away."

We both chuckle at the thought because the boy literally wakes up to a pool of drool under him.

"What are you making for dinner?" Justin and I ask simultaneously.

"Me? It's your turn. I did everything last week it's your week."

"Yeah but I thought you'd give me a break you know. I'm working on this album and everything."

"No offense I love you and your music but I don't care and I'm not going to starve over it. You're going to cook a home cooked meal and that's final." I say as I cross my arms.

I am so a mom.

"Okay after we wake up." His arm tries to pry mine to unfold.


"Come on." He starts kissing on my neck slowly.

"Okay okay." I say as I unfold them before he gets to my earlobe.

"Thank you."

I smile before I turn around and peck his lips.

As I start to turn I can hear whine "Mm no stay turned this way. I like looking at your beautiful face as you sleep."

"Fine only because I really want to lay on your chest." And I do before I knockout on one day what I hope to be my future husband.

I love you Justin Drew Bieber.



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