Hard To Face Reality

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sometimes it's hard to face reality

Candace's POV

I stared at my phone on the coffee table in front of me.

Call him!

He's probably busy.

But he always calls around this time!

Justin was on tour at the moment. He was really enjoying his time but, he really wished I came along and I wish I did too. This house is getting really lonely without him.

I heard the familiar buzzing of my phone.

"Hi babe!" I said excitedly.

"Candace it's me, Scooter, um I have some really bad news." He said which turned my mood  around completely.

"Justin ... he was in a car accident."

I felt as if my life was falling apart. I felt as if my heart had skipped a beat and not in a good way.

"Is he ok?" I asked. The tears already falling out of my eyes.

"Yeah but he has a few broken bones nothing major but he fractured his left leg and a few scratches on his face from the glass. Other than that he's perfectly fine. He's been asking for you a lot. Do you think you can fly over?" He asked.

"Of course." I said after realizing that Justin was still here with us. He was still alive.

"Great a car should be there in about fifteen minutes." He said.

"Okay?" I questioned it was as if he knew I was going to say yes.

"See you in a couple of hours." He said.

"See you in a couple of hours."


As I got off the plane. I immediately saw Scooter and the crew.

"Hi Candace!" they all shouted whuch made people around them wince.

"Hi guys." I said with a smile.

"Let me get that for you." Fredo said gesturing to my suitcase.

I didn't know how long I was going to be so I packed overboard.

"Thanks." I said with a smile.

"Guys go and wait at the hotel. Candace and I are going to see Justin." Scooter said.

"Tell Justin we said hi." They say.

"I will."


I walked into thw hospital room by myself. Scooter decided that we needed our privacy.

"Candace?" Justin questioned.

"Hi babe." I said with a smile as I walked towards his bed.

Tears threatening to fall. I couldn't imagine the world without Justin by my side. I lost both of my parents in a car accident when I was younger so to have Justin here and alive was really emotional for me.

"Babe don't cry." I didn't notice the tears till I felt Justin's arms around me.

"I'm sorry .. I just can't handle the thought of you being gone."

"Babe I'm not gone I'm here with you. I'm never going to leave. I'll always be here by your side no matter what." He said.

Holding me as if I was something fragile and just waiting to break.

"I love you so much." I said to him.

"I love you more." He kissed my forehead and held me till I stopped crying.

"The guys said hi by the way." I said as he let me go wiping away my tears.

"They've been saying that for the past hour." He said with a smile. "How was your day?" He asked as he laid on the hospital bed patting the spot besides him.

I smiled at him as I took off my shoes and laid in front of him. Looking at him a touched his face looking at the few scratches there.

We talked and talked until it was time for me to go because of the visiting hours.

"I'll come back tomorrow. I love you."

"I'll be waiting and I love you too." he said as he kissed my lips softly.

The End

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