Pick Up Your Phone

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I was currently at home with my mom who was debating whether or not she should ground me. There was a ring at the doorbell and I went rushing down I needed to do something beside being trapped in my room sucks.

I look out the window besides the door only to see a black and red Ferrari.

"Shit." I mumble.

I got my phone taken away last night and I'm pretty sure Justin has texted and called with no luck of any answer.

I open the door and Justin turns around with furrowed eyebrows.

"I see you answer doors but not your phone ... interesting." I look at him giving him a sympathetic look.

"Look I came in really late last night and my mom has been chewing my ass ever since so I'm going to need you to go." I start to push him off of the steps.

"Give me a kiss or I'll scream I'm here." he says with a smirk.

"I swear I hate you sometimes." I say as I start pushing him away.

"Are you mad? Was that just a cover up story?" he asks squinting his eyes.

"Y/N who's at the door?" my mom asks.

I start to panic I can't get caught not now not ever so I kiss his lips and he pulls me into him. As I pull away his eyes are still closed and he's biting his lip.

"I'm not mad at you so can you please go."

He gives me one last kiss before he jogs to his car he winks at me before he gets in and drives away.

I turn to the door and that's when my mom walks towards it a now dry dish and a drying cloth in hand.

"Who was here?" she asks.

"Just some kids." I say with a small smile before I walk to my room. That was close.

The End

Justin Bieber ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now