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Rebekah POV

I was getting ready for tonight Justin was taking me on a date but he wouldn't tell me where but, he did say dress casual.

I go through my closet. I look through it over and over till I fish out my faded shorts and crop top american flag shirt with my white Vans.

"What should I do with my hair?" I ask myself. "Down. Definitely down." I say with a smile.

I start to straighten it when the door bell rings.

"I'm coming!" I yell as I straighten it a little more. "There it looks casual." I say with a smile. I apply a little bit of lip gloss and some mascara. I take one last look in the mirror. I walk to the door to see Justin standing there with a rose in his hand.

"Its beautiful." I say as I take the rose and place it in a vase.

"Nothing compared to you." he says as he gives me a light peck on the lips. "Now come on beautiful lets go on our date." He takes my hand into his and walks me to the car. He opens the door for me and closes it as I settle in.

As we drive away Justin takes my hands into his. The surroundings look familiar.

"Where are we going today?" I ask hoping he'll say.

"You'll see." he says. We turn into a parking spot as I notice that were at a park. I smile as Justin hurries out of the car so he could open my door.

"Thanks Babe." I say with a smile.

"You're welcome now close those gorgeous eyes of yours." he says.

"Ok." I close my eyes and Justin takes my hand and guide's me to a huge blanket with a little basket besides it. It was perfect because it was right under the moonlight.

"Do you like it?" he asks nervously.

"Like, no .... love, yes." I say with a smile.

Justin lets out a sigh of relief. "Thank God." he says as he sits. He taps the spot besides him. I blush as I take the seat I still get nervous around him. He takes the basket and pulls out the strawberries and chocolate. He takes a strawberry out and dips it into the chocolate. He feeds it to me which is just perfect like him. We take turns feeding each other as we look at the moon.

"Damn sweetie you look sexy." an unfamiliar voice slurs. Justin jumps up and is already headed towards the guy. I jump up and follow behind Justin grabbing him before he starts trouble.

"Stop leave him alone just let him go." I say as I look Justin in his eyes.

"Get your fucking hands off of me you fucking slut defending that asshole. " Justin spat his words stinging me like a bee.

"You don't mean it." I say blinking away the tears.

"I do I mean every single word you little whore." he says.

This time I didn't blink away the tears I let them fall. I turn away from Justin running away from him. The sound of him screaming my name slowly fades away as I get farther away from him. I stop at a bus stop just sitting there on the bench crying. I hear a car stop in front of me.

"Rebekah please forgive me I'm sorry I don't know what took over me I was just upset please baby I'm sorry. Come home with me." Justin pleaded.

"Get away from me. I'm not going home with you." I say but then I feel two arms wrap around me. I feel the familiar leather seats against my leg. Justin reaches over and puts on my seatbelt. He goes over to his side and slips in and we drive home in complete silence.

As we walk in my arms are across my chest. He opens the door and I immediately head to the stairs. Justin hot on my heels.

"Can we atleast talk about it?" he asked as I stormed up the steps.

"Nope there's nothing to talk about." I say. " I can't believe I actually thought you loved me." I say as I actually look at him. He looked hurt at my choice of words.

"I do love you Rebekah. I love you with all my heart." he says as he approaches me wiping away the tears.

My breath hitches as his hands caress my face. "I know." I say.

"I'm sorry. I've never been so sorry for anything else in my life. I'm sorry ok?" I nod my head at him. "I love you so much and I don't want to lose you."

"I love you too." I say. He kisses my lips passionately.

I wake up breathing heavily. I turn to see it was only 3:30 a.m. The dream I just had felt so real. I turn to see Justin's arm around my waist.

"What a dream." I mumbled as I fell asleep in Justin's arms again.

~~~~~~~ Hope you all liked it.

This is for @SwaggieBitch1995. I hope you like your chapter. I know you guys probably hate me for not updating in a while and honestly I would hate me too. Thanks for the 3k Wattpad is acting kind of shitty right now sooo yeah. ASDFGHJKL. Bye AND I'LL TRY TO UPDATE FOR THE REMAINDER OF THIS WEEK AND NEXT WEEK THATS IF WATTPAD DOESNT ACT SHITTY :))) < triple chin.

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