I Can Do Anything You Can Do

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Your POV
I sit on the edge of the huge king sized bed. The lights on all around us my fingertips massage the scalp of the boy sitting in between my legs. He's letting out all types of noises as he plays the game. I smile and shake my head but once I start to put his puffy beautiful curly hair all together to make it into a ponytail he instantly starts protesting.

He stands up barely half my height. His small voice accommodating the way he shakes his head no.

"No more ponytail mommy." he says as he looks down at his feet then back up at me.

"Well why not? You've been begging for one all week." I ask confused.

"Well..." he starts fidgeting around as he tries to find the right words.

"Well?" I ask as I look at him. I pull the brown skinned little boy onto my lap and look at him.

"Some boys in my class said that I look like a girl with a ponytail." he says getting pouty.

"Girls have short hair, big hair, long hair, puffy hair and messy hair so he can't say anything to you and no one looks like a girl. Girls come in all different shapes, sizes, and races." I say giving him a little talk.

I take a breath before I ask,"Who said that anyways?" I ask.

"Matthew, he's in my math class."

Hm well Matthew's an asshole.

"How about if daddy wears a ponytail too?" I ask as I look back at Justin who is currently asleep.

"But he doesn't have hair like mine." Lucas groans.

"Hey hey so what the hair type doesn't matter a ponytail is a ponytail." I say.

"Okay mommy we both can." he says as he slips back onto the floor.

"Thank you."

I put his hair in a ponytail and he continues playing on the game as I pull him up on the bed so he could be comfortable.

I turn around to Justin and place my lips into his soft jawline giving him small kisses.

"Wake up." I whisper in his ear before I kiss it too.

He tosses and turns until he finally wakes up. I kiss his lips to speed up the process.

I'm waking up Prince Charming with a kiss.

"What's up baby?" he asks his eyes still closed. He's still a bit tired I frown and kiss his lips again.

"I'm sorry for waking you but when you walk Lucas to his class tomorrow wear your hair up in a ponytail." I say as I press my nose against his.

"Okay." he says as if I just asked him the weirdest thing ever. I kiss his cheek and let him put his head on my chest as he sleeps.

I wrote this because I feel like this isn't said enough to like the oh you do such and such like a girl like it bothers me girls can do anything and everything that boys can do some girls do it even better.


btw working on that book for you guys :)

Justin Bieber ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now