Will You Marry Me?

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Courtney's POV

I was backstage watching Justin perform.

"You really love him don't you?" Pattie asks.

"With every inch of my heart." I say with a smile. A tear escapes my eye. I wiped it away.

"I know you do." she says as she hugs me and I hug her back.

"Hey Beliebers do you mind if I bring Courtney on the stage?" he asks. I just stood there dumbfounded.

"Bring her on stage!" they chanted.

"Courtney you heard 'em." he said with a smile. Scooter brought out a chair. As I walked on the stage. The Beliebers started going crazy which made me smile even more. I gave them a little wave.

I sat down on the chair as Justin started singing Catching Feelings. I shed a few tears.

As the music shut off Justin got on one knee and said "Courtney (Courtney's Last name) will you marry me?"

I was shocked the Beliebers were in tears.

"Yes a million times Justin." I said as he slipped the ring on my finger. As he got up I got up and we bumped foreheads. At first it hurt but then we laughed it off.

"I love Mr.Bieber." I said as I wrapped my hands around his neck.

"I love you too Mrs.Bieber." he said as he kissed my lips by this time the Beliebers were going crazy!

"We Love You Guys!" they yelled. We entwined fingers and said

"We love you guys more."

~~~~~I hope you guys like it

Dedicated too @CourtneyCx

Ok so I had this dream and I made a chapter for someone and they were like " This chapter is shitty I expected better why even make books when they're this shitty" and I was like upset all day today so that's why I updated so late.

Anyways Vote Comment Share Request Taken.

Love you little munchkins. Omg sorry Courtney I got confused sorry...

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