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"I will not let her go. She will stay here forever even after my death!" He yelled proudly before Kakuzu turned his strings and broke his neck. He let the body of his lover's father lifeless on the floor and grabbed his scrolls.

Now he had to save her.


He still clutched his shoulder with his one hand while running through the mansion. Kakuzu was praying that she was alright because if she wasn't... He would never be able to stop feeling guilty.

The male was able to hear some laughter from the garden and a shiver went down his spine. Why were they laughing? He started running faster into the garden to see something disgusting. His lover was laying on the floor, blood running down her bare back onto the now stained grass, her clothes were ripped off and the guards stood in front of her unconscious body with dirty smirks while jerking off to her naked body.

"She is so hot. We should just take her all. She is totally done now. The lady isn't able to guard herself." One of them suggested and the other nodded. But before the leafer could even touch her an arm went right through his heart.
Kakuzu stood in front of them and looked at the guards with dark eyes.

"I am here to guard her. And you can say you last pray before I Kill you all for humiliating her like that." The man growled and the guards stepped back trying to run away but his strings already caught them.

"I will kill you all just like I did with him" He said and threw them to the ground rapidly before using his other arm to thrust his hand through their hearts. The guards screams echoed through the garden and blood splattered onto the floor and his and the female's body.

Kakuzu breathed out and looked at the mess before kneeling down next to her lover's body. "Shit" He cursed seeing her deep wound. The male rolled her over to listen to her heartbeat. It was a very low beat and Kakuzu hoped he would be able to get a doctor before she passed. He took the rest of his ripped shirt to wrap it around her wound and chest before running inside to grab a jacket and put it around her.

The man picked her up and held her close to his chest to warm her up and ran out of the mansion with everything they wanted to take strapped on his back. His shoulder still burned and no hospital was in sight to help them until he got to the end of Takigakure.

A small hospital, not any bigger than a normal house was in front of the couple and the male breathed out and stepped inside to look for someone. "Hello? Is there somebody? My... partner needs immidiate help!" The male said and looked around the Reception.

"Oh... A-A patient? I-I will inform the doctor! W-We will be b-back in a m-minute!" A small lady stuttered and pushed up her black glasses before running back inside the office. A few moments later an old man stepped out and gazed at the male and then at the female in his arms.

"Were you in a fight? If yes then why aren't you in one of the hospitals for Taki-Shinobis?" He asked and grabbed the female's hand to feel her pulse. "She isn't a shinobi and I---" The doctor looked up at him. "I know. I remembered you. Kakuzu the man who killed the elders. I see you are hurt as well" He said and started walking towards a door.

"Step inside. I will help the both of you and then you will go. I don't want people to find out that you were here. It is treason to help a rouge, espacially if he is from your own town and killed the heads." He said and Kakuzu nodded.

"Of course. Just help her." The man agreed a little annoyed and put her down on the bed. "You can go to my daughter. She will fix your shoulder." The doctor said before starting to inspect her body and wounds a little further.

Kakuzu followed the other female and got his shoulder fixed. He could have done it himself since his pain tolerance was really high and most of his thoughts were about his hurt lover and not himself. Guilty built up inside him as his mind kept telling him she wouldn't make it but she had to.

He was happy and as selfish as it sounded he needed her to stay for his own sake. They both made each other happy and the 'princess' melted his cold heart.

"U-Uhm sir?" The female spoke softly and looked at him. Kakuzu turned to her with a thoughtful gaze. "Hm?" "Your partner is resting now. The wound didn't hit vital points. She will be fully by herself in 3 days. You just need to help her change the bandages around her waist."

The male felt how a stone that laid on his heart just bursted and he sighed happily. "Thank you. Can I see her?" He asked back at his serious behaviour and the lady nodded before walking to the other room.

The princess was covered in a blanket and her arms were bandaged properly to hide the bruises she got from the guards. "She is going to be fine. My healing techniques are always successfull. I don't want any payment. It is my job to help people. Taking money from them because I did something to save their life isn't my taste." The old doctor said while cleaning his hands.

Kakuzu smirked and chuckled. "I see... Thank you." "No problem. It was a pleasure. She should wake up soon. I will leave you two alone, come with me" He motioned his daughter to follow him and she bowed at Kakuzu and then left with him.

The male sat down next to the bed and took her hand. "Thank god I didn't have to pay for it... Even though I would pay a Fortune to save your life" He whispered softly and stroked her warm cheek with his cold hand.

"Ngh..." Her body shifted under the sheet and she slowly opened her eyes. "Kakuzu... Where are we?" The lady whispered weakly and he took off his mask to smile at her.

"We fled the mansion. You are free now" He said and the female's eyes immidiaetly began to water.


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