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Credit to NatiManga that posted this picture on DeviantArt

"Then Kakuzu... Will you... Watch the fireworks with me? On the balcony?" He turns around and thinks a little.
"If you want to sure... But I know a better place to watch it rather than the balcony"


The female looks up at him and smiles. "What place? My balcony is the highest place in the whole mansion... You can't see it better than from here."
Kakuzu shakes his head and grabs her medicine and some water. He stuffs it into a little bag and also grabs a blanket and throws it over his shoulder.

"There is a higher place than your balcony. I checked it out when I first came here." The male says and comes closer to her.
"Can you lift your arm high enough to grab onto me? I can't risk to make you fall again" he says and picks the confused female up in his arms.
"W-What are you doing? Where are we going?" She asks and holds onto her bodyguard's shirt while wincing because of the pain that shot through her body.

"You will see. I promise you you will be save." He says and walks outside her room checking if some security is there.
Kakuzu walks out with the princess in his arms as she looked around. Even though she was totally vunerable in this state she trusted Kakuzu that he wouldn't hurt her.

"Kakuzu? Where are you going with the princess?" A security guard asks and looks at them after he came upstairs a few seconds ago. Kakuzu hissed and turned around to face him. "The princess would like to catch some fresh air. I should obey her wish. Go back to your spot. I am her bodyguard you shouldn't worry too much about her." He says strictly and the security guard's pose stiffened a little before bowing. "You are right I am sorry sir."

Kakuzu scoffs and continues walking down the hall before he went outside to a big balcony. "We are on the other side of the mansion now. We can't see the firework---" "Could you please just wait a second... I am not done yet" He cuts her off and she pouts while looking away with a light blush. Kakuzu chuckled a little and then went to a wall. "Please hold on tight now. I have to concentrate now." She nods and holds on to him as tight as she could trying to ignore the pain once again.

Not even seconds after that Kakuzu was walking on the wall of the mansion and the lady blushed a little. Even though it was something simple to do, since she didn't have that kind of chakra control she wasn't able to do this and Kakuzu did this easily with her in his arms. The female soon saw everything right again and looks down.
"We are on the rooftop." She mumbles.

"Yes. It is pretty straight here so we can sit down here and watch the firework from here." He says and puts her down on the floor carefully. Kakuzu then takes the blanket that rested on his shoulder and puts it around her so she wouldn't get cold.
The lady blushed slightly at his sudden care.

"Thank you... Kakuzu" She whispers and looks up at him. He hums and sits down next to her without looking at her. The female looks at the male and smiles softly as she examined his face and body a bit more. He had shoulder long black hair that looked really healthy. (Y/N) had to try really hard not to brush her fingers through his hair. He wore a mask and the lady would lie if she said that she wasn't curious what he looked like under the mask. His piercing green eyes had a hypnotizing effect on her.

"Are you okay?" Kakuzu suddenly asked her and she broke out of her trance. "Oh? Oh yes... I am sorry if I stared a little too much. This is just the first time I really got to look at you." She admits and bows her head a little to apologize. "I hope it was a pleasant look. People often look at me with a strange face." The lady turns her head a little and nods. "I think you are quite interesting. I wonder what you look like under that mask..." Kakuzu opens his eyes a little in surprise and nods. "I will show it to you someday."

The female smiles and closes her eyes to relax. The fresh air hits her skin and she sighs happily. The moon was shining lowly and there were no stars in the sky. "This is the perfect night for a firework." Kakuzu said and looked up to the sky. "Why that?" "It is a dark night so the fireworks light up the sky greatly. It will be a beautiful view." The lady smiles and gazes at the male next to her. "Tell me something about you Kakuzu"

"What do you already know about me?" He asked and played with some stones that layed on the roof.
"My mother used to tell me about the shinobis in our village. I just know that you were a very talented and skilled ninja that was able to defeat Jonin at a young age. My mother also told me that she hopes I would marry a skilled shinobi like you in the future" She laughs with a flushed face and Kakuzu chuckles. "I don't believe in marriage and love anymore. All that died together with my mother. But I was grateful that she still hoped that I could be happy in the situation I lived in."

Small tears came up again and she quickly hid her face. "Not know..." The lady mumbles and gulps. A few seconds later she looked up and met eyes with Kakuzu. "You get really emotional when you talk about your mother. You miss her a lot don't you? I understand that..." (Y/N) smiles and nods a little. "I do... What about you? Do you have a family?"

"I had one... But they got killed." He sighs and looked up to the sky again. "You wanted to know things about me. Let me tell you about my past."


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