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Yeah, I know this isn't the update y'all wanted. I was moving all weekend and then had surgery today (i was fucking high too. like look at my message board. im still pissed my mom put it all on video) but it's what you're getting. This was already pre-written awhike back.

It was intense, the four glaring at each other with enough rage to harm an entire country. The paintings of Zabini Manor seemed to shrink away at the sight. One man stood tall, a wicked smile plastered across his face. Held a stack of note cards above his head. 

"Mwah ha ha ha ha," The man cackled, bringing the note cards to his face, reading the words on the first one, "The competition is tight! Who will bring home the 10,000 galleon prize? Who will loose and face the ultimate punishment: the sugarator?"

The man threw his arms to the side, the hand not holding the note cards open wide and doing a sort of jazz hand. Where his arms were pointing sat a glass cylinder. Inside was a red X where the looser would stand. Hanging from ropes above was a bucket of water that would drizzle down over the lose. Then the second bucket would be dumped on them; one filled to the brim with loose sugar. 

"And the next question in our Disney-a-thon quiz," The man raised one hand, now with a wand in it, and the light's dimmed down. Lightning crackled outside. 

"Theo, you are getting way to into this," Ginny Weasley sighed, snapping her fingers so the lights came back on, "Just give us the question."

"Right, right, sorry," Theodore Nott mumbled, feeling a little down that he couldn't have his over exaggerated light effects, "Question 9.75: When was Mickey Mouse created?"

There was silence. Draco Malfoy, Blaise Zabini, Ginny Weasley, and Hermione Granger stood rigid with there hands ready to press their own buzzer as soon as they knew the answer. No body moved. The score board stayed the same with all four tied at two hundred forty-three, one point missing from them since no one could remember Flynn Rider's real name. Suddenly, Hermione's hand smashed down on the buzzer. 

"192 - no, wait. Shoot what is it?" She panicked, second guessing herself, "1927? Or '28?" 

"You gotta pick," Theo chimed in. 

Hermione let out a frustrated scream. "It's um, no, wait," Hermione cursed, "1927!"

"Incorrect," Theo exclaimed. 

Draco's hand hit the buzzer. 

"1928, and partial to the specific date of May 15," he answered calmly. 

Hermione glared at the  blond boy next to her. He merely grinned and innocent smile, but Hermione could see the laughter hiding in his eyes. 

And so it went on for twenty four more questions. Disney after Disney character, plot, actor, and everything in between was quizzed. After 999 questions, the final one arose. Blaise and Draco were tying in first place while Hermione Ginny held behind them by two points. If neither of them got the question, they'd both be suagred. 

"And your final question," Theo said, getting way to into the game, "What. Color. Are. Flounder's. Stripes?" 

All four hands went down at once. 

"Blue!" Ginny screamed. 

"Blue!" Draco screamed. 

"Blue!" Blaise screamed. 

"Periwinkle!" Hermione screamed. 

All screamed their answers at the same time. 

"Sorry Hermione. There's no specifics. Blue is the correct answer!" Theo exclaimed, fist punching the air, "Which means you get to be sugared."

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