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I have two fears. Yes I'm scared of different things, but I only really have two fears. Heights, which is expected from a bookworm like, and thunder. I hate the thunder.

I've never told anyone except for Harry and Ron why I hate the thunder. They're always so good about it. Anytime there's a thunder storm I get really scared and Harry and Ron would sneak my into their dorm with the help of Dean, Neville, and Seamus and we'd push Harry and Ron's beds together and sleep that way with me in the middle with Harry and Ron protecting me on either side.

Those boys are like my brothers. I can't live without them.

But everything's different now. I'm Head Girl and I can't stay in Gryffindor Tower anymore. I have no one. I'm not allowed to let people in. No ones here. Excoet Malfoy, but that ferret wouldn't give a crap about me if his life depended on it. Okay maybe he would. He seems to value life a lot.

Anyway, the whole point is I have no one, and right now the largest thunderstorm seen in decades is happening at Hogwarts. Needless to say, I'm terrified.

I'm hiding in my bed right now but it doesn't help. There's windows in my room and I can see the storm raging outside. Silencing charms can't even help.

I'm fighting with myself on whether I should go down to the common room or not. Malfoys still down there and I don't want my enemy to see me this vulnerable. I'm a mess! My hair could be mistaken for Bigfoot, my eyes are red and puffily from crying, and I can't stop shaking. But there's no windows down there....

Using all my Gryffindor courage I grab my wand and light it so I can see. Just then a loud BOOM sounded right outside my window. I gave a small scream of fright and few whimpers escaped.

Taking a deep breath I opened my door and stepped out. I quietly closed the door and started down the stairs. When I reach the bottom, Malfoy looks up at me.

"Well your a mess," he comments.

I don't say anything. I don't even glare at him. I just walk over to the armchair and sit down curling up with my knees to my chest, my arms wrapped around them and my fave in my legs.

"Granger?" Malfoy says.

"What?" I say in barely a whisper.

"Why are you down here?"

"There's no windows," I say, hoping he'll drop it.

Another loud BOOM shakes the whole castle. Malfoy looks up startled, and I give another scream as memories flash before my eyes and I curl up tighter if I can.

"Scared if thunder?" Malfoy mocks.

I look up at him, my face covered in fresh tears, "Just leave me alone... Please."

Malfoy just looks at me in shock. I bet he wasn't expecting me to ask that. He cleared his throat and says, "And why should I?"

I just stare at him. I try thinking if where I could gom the kitchen, bathroom, my room, and most likely his room all has windows. I'm doomed.

"Please, Malfoy," I ask.

He raises an eyebrow, "Why're you scared of thunder? Its just noise."

"You know what! I'll see you later," I say jumping up.

"Where are you going?"

"I'm going to try and get into Harry and Ron's room," I say.

"No use. The doors been locked to keep us in between eleven and six," Malfoy smirks.

"You're kidding," I say looking at him.


I groan and slide down against the wall. The thunder gives another loud BOOM and I jump in terror and put my hands over my face. The memories just won't stop.

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