Tagged again

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Wow, I must be so loved to be tagged. The only tag I've only ever gotten the cootie tag! . . . that's actually really sad

Anyways onto the questions!

1) Do you care what others think of you?

Meh. Not really

2) Middle name?


3) Favorite sport?

Sitting on the couch and eating chocolate. Also dance. I do tap and hip hop

4) Best friend

. . . . How do I choose? I have so many! Well only like seven, but still! On Wattpad I have Angitia and Ivy, (Props to you gurls!) And irl there' H, B, E, E, M, I, and Q. I wont reveal there names so they dont kill me in my sleep

5) Someone you cant live without

Myself 😎

6) Nickname?

I've already told you one; Em. Some people, my family, call me Scooby Doo. Dont judge

7)  Pronouns

She, her, whatever other female ones there are

8) Asked out

Thankfully, no

9)  Pet peeves?

I hate it, and I mean hate, when singers go realt high that it doesnt even sound like the it voices anymore

10) Emotional?

Only when reading books.

11)  Overused Words?

I . . . don't know. I like to be creative with words

12)  Face reveal?

Pffftt. No thanks. I'll do a face reveal when I no longer look like a run overed  toad

13) Favorite picture of someone else

13) Favorite picture of someone else

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Gary and Spongebob are life

14) Hobbies?

I like eating chocolate and watching little children's cartoons

15)  Role model?


16)  Best friend you know personally?

H or B. I've known B since I qas barely seven and I've known H since I was right

17)  Crush?

No, I'm not a fan of that drink and I dont have a romantic one(thankfully)

18) Favorite Book?

No. I will never answer this. It is impossible

Now, it said to rag some people so I'm going to say that you have to tag 10 at least


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