Cant Think Of A Title For This One

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This is going to be a weird one but it may end up really cool if I don't screw up what I have written in my mind. Bear with me here.

So, in this one shot everyone is muggles. Hermione moved to London when she was fifteen. She's originally from California. When she arrived in London, she had a youtube channel starting to grow. She met Draco in London and they had been best friends ever since. At one point when they were nineteen, Draco had been evicted from the flat he was living in and Hermione let him stay with her at her house. This is the basic information youre going to to need to know for this. Like I said before, its a little weird so bear with me.

Also, you are from the POV of an over obsessed fan of theirs. (This may just be your normal selves)

You flicked through the channels on the news, thouroughly bored. Your phone had just died, if course, and little brother was on the computer. You were pretty upset since your favorite youtuber, Hermione Granger, had just posted a new video and now you couldn't watch it.

As you were flicking through the TV channel, you paused on the worldwide news station. It was talking about some big fire. You were about to give up and watch Disney Channel or something when the story changed.

'The rising YouTube star, Hermione Granger, has finally resigned,' The lady said.

You about fall off the couch and turn the TV up really loud. You here thumping on the stairs followed by your little brother appearing in front of your face, tear stained.

"Turn that down! I'm trying to watch Hermione - " he starts.

You slap a hand over his mouth and pull him onto your lap so you have a clear view if the TV. He turns to watch it with you and sees the title. Your brother, a fan of Hermione himself, bursts into tears again.

"Just a few minutes earlier Hermuone Granger posted a new video on YouTube. The video is entitled 'I'm finally done'. This youtuber with nearly fifteen million subscribers has called it quits. Here's a clip."

The screen changes to her video. Its only a couple minutes long at that. Hermione had on a baggy shirt and her hair is tied up in a bun.

"Hey everyone. So, yeah, no intro to this video. I've been doing a lot if thinking based on this and I'm going to do it. I'm officially quitting YouTube. I will be back eventually, maybe four or five years from now. I promise. My social media accounts will continue, but don't expect frequent posts. Please, don't spam me with questions about this - and not Draco either. Neither of us will answer any questions based on my decision. Thanks you all for being so loyal to me. I love you all!" Hermione blew a kiss at the camera before turning it off.

The news lady came back on. "This nineteen year old star has made a promise she will come back, but why so long from now? We'll let you know if anything changes."

"It never happened!" The eight year old boy on your lap cried. "She's quitting before we get to see Dramione! Why did she have to ruin my otp (Y/N) why?"

"I don't know," You shrug. You were really disappointed, but kept faith. She had promised to post again and you beleived her.

A little while later Draco had started his own channel. You became obbsessed with it and also watched closely for Hermione. Not once did you or your brother ever see her. Three years after he started Astoria came into view. Apparently she was Draco's love intrest. He moved in with her and they broke it off barely two months after.

It is now six years since Hermione left. You've almost given up hope. You're (add five years to your current age) year old self has almost given up on waiting for her and just becoming a Draco only obsessed fan. Things are different though. Whenever Draco mentions Hermione now, he gets a sad look in his eyes and if its a livestream, he normally leaves the screen for a minute before coming back.

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