We Have A Problem

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"Malfoy! Get you ferret arse down here now!" Hermione called up the stairs.

Draco sighed from his bed and turned the page if his book.

Thump...... Thump....... Thump....
Thump... Thump... Thump...
Thump. Thump. Thump.

Knock knock knock

"Yes?" Malfoy called.

"I'm coming in!" Hermione yelled from the other side.

"I have a feeling you won't listen if I say no," Draco sighed closing his book and standing up as Hermione threw the door open and marched in, slamming it behind her.

"May I help you?" Draco asked once she froze.

"Uh, yes." Hermione said quickly recovering from staring at his shirtless torso, "Have you seen an old looking book? Its really small and has a leather cover, brown."

"Can't say I have," Draco said slowly.

"Are you sure? It was out in the common room last night and I came down to retrieve it and now its gone," Hermione said crossing her arms and shifting her weight to the right.

"I haven't seen it since last night when I went to bed, Granger," Draco said walking over to the cupboard and opening it, "Oh wait now I have."

He held up the small book and Hermione's face paled, "Give it back," she said quickly.

"Why? I haven't gotten the chance to read it," Draco smirked.

"Its not for reading," Hermione said walking over to him.

"Or is it? All books are meant to be read. That's why they are written," Draco said thoughtfully striding over to the wall to his right.

"Its not meant for reading, Malfoy. Its a jornal to write in, now give it here," Hermione demanded following him.

Malfoy stopped when he reached the wall and turned to face Hermione who had also stopped. He held the book above his head and she reached for it. Hermione cursed herself that she didn't have her wand.

"What's wrong?" Draco smirked, "Don't have you wand with you?"

"Just give it back, Malfoy," Hermione sighed.

"I don't think so. I am looking forward to reading it very much," Draco taunted.

"Please don't read it," Hermione said.

"Fine then. I'll give it back to you under one condition."

"And what's that?"

Draco smirked at her making sure she was following his eyes before glancing over at the bed. He knew she'd let him have the book thing if he even suggested it. He watched the bed for a moment before turning back to Hermione with a raised eyebrow.

Hermione followed his gaze and turned a little to see him looking over at his bed. 'Oh hell no!' Hermione thought to herself looking back over at Draco who had a raised eyebrow accompanied with his smirk.

"So?" He asked.

Hermione's eyes widened in fear. She glanced at the journal then back to Draco her face in puzzlement. She started thinking as quickly as she could. One night or him teasing and bullying her for the rest of the seven months of school? She started to breathe heavier as she weighed her options.

Draco watched her carefully as she did this and started to worrying she might really not want him to read what was in the book. He watched her eyes widen when he verbally suggested it and saw the fear pass through them before she started thinking. He knew she was thinking because whenever she was deep in thought, she'd bite her bottom lip, furrow her eyebrows, and crinkle her nose.

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