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A/N: I will be using French and Italian languages in this, but the bolded parts are the English translations. I did use Google tranate for this, so if anything us wrong please tell me so I can fix it. Thanks! Also this is another non-magical story.

"Bonjour à toute la classe! (Good morning class!)" The twelfth grade French teacher, Ms. McGonagall, announced as she walked in.

"Bonjour Mme McGonagall, (Good morning Ms. McGonagall,)" the class mumbled as she strode to the front.

McGonagall gave a single nod before speaking, "Today you'll be paired up into threes. You'll take turns having two of you will have a five minute conversation, which the third partner will record using audio on your phones. Once each partner has a recording, you'll go back and listen through it. Write down what your partners say in French and its English meaning. You may speak about whatever you wish. Papers to be handed in by the end of class and audio recordings sent directly to me by no later than eight o clock with labels. Now before I give groups, any questions?"

"Ms. Granger," McGonagall called.

"How are we being graded on this?" Hermione asked.

"You'll be graded on three different skills. How fluent you are at speaking, how well your able to determine what the others are saying, and how well you're able to decipher the conversations as well as your spelling in French," McGonagall explained, "Now this counts as fourth percent of your grade, so think of it as a test. Textbooks are under the desks as per usual. Now wait until I am finished with all the names before you move to sit with your partners."

When the class remained silent and nodded McGonagall wrote the groups on the board and read them aloud.

Group One:   Neville Longbottom, Seamus Finnigan, Dean Thomas

Group Two:   Luna Lovegood, Ginny Weasley, Parvati Patil

Group ThreeHannah Abbot, Theodore Nott, Ernie Macillman

Group Four: Astoria Greengrass, Daphne Greengrass, Millicent Bulstrode

Group Five: Harry Potter, Ron Weasley, Pansy Parkinson

Group Six: Draco Malfoy, Blaise Zabini, Hermione Granger

When she was finished everyone moved seats except for Pansy and Hermione.

"Ms. McGonagall," Hermione asked, "Would it be possible for Pansy and I to switch groups?"

"I'm sorry but this is how I'd like the groups to work," McGonagall said with a twinkle in her eye, "Please move quickly."

"She's switching the girls in the Golden and Silver trio?"

"I bet there's a secret she's not telling us."

Those were a couple of the whispered Pansy and Hermione heard as they switched seats with each other, making sure to send a supportive smile towards the other. Only a few people knew that the girls got along well and could be seen at the mall or movies together from time to time.

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