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This story is based in a world where magic isn't real, but the rivalry in high school is the same.

Hermione arrived at the ice skating rink excited, her coach was assigning her her first partner. Her coach, Maria, had told her that she thought that Hermione and another boy she taught would work well together. The only clue she had was that he went to the same school as her.

Hermione quickly changed into her uniform she's been assigned to wear every class, a light blue leotard that had a single long sleeve with a silver strap on the other side. It had a small skirt that started at her waist and ended mid thigh. The entire leotard had silver designs over it with the skating rink simbol over the heart.

After lacing up her silver skates, Hermione walked out of the girls locker room and into the rink. She saw her coach and quickly went over.

"Hello Maria!"

"Hermione," Maria said giving her star female skater a hug, "Good to see you. Your partner will be here in a minute."


"I should warn you though, I talked to your friend Ginny at the last competition and she did warn me about your partner. I hope you two can look last your differences because you both are amazing skaters and together will win every competition, I'm sure."

"Okay. May I ask who it is?"

"No need," Maria said pointing, "He's behind you."

Hermione quickly turned around. The boy was a foot taller than her and was wearing the boys uniform, a white shirt and black pants. His silver-blonde hair was sticking out everywhere and it reminded her of Harry's hair. She realized who it was.


"Granger?" Malfoy said looking over Hermione as though he'd never seen her, "I didn't know you skated."

"Nor I knew you."

Malfoy smirked, "Since I was five."

"Three," Hermione said. At least she could up him there.

Malfoy nodded.

"Okay, now that you know each other take a few warm up laps, Hermione practice some of the leaps you learned last week. I still don't know how you managed to master a triple Axel in an hour."

"You did that?" Malfoy asked surprised.

"Yes." Hermione responded smugly, stepping onto the ice.

Malfoy sighed and followed. The two practiced a bit before Maria called them over to her. She started to explain that they had one week to learn and perfect a routine for a competition the following week. The immediately got to work and Maria soon found the two amusing.

She had just told them that there would be a part where Malfoy would have to do a few complicated tricks while holding Hermione. After she told them she sat down to watch them argue.

"What?" Hermione exclaimed, "No way. Uh uh. I'm not trusting him to lift me."

"I'm hurt," Malfoy said placing a hand over his heart and faking being hurt.

"Shove it Malfoy."


Hermione gave a frustrated groan, "If you drop me I will make you pay."

"Oh really? And how so you intend to do that?"

"I'll steal your history notes. No one can pass that class without notes, except for me of course."

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