Blood Killer Part 3

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Deep within the forbidden forest, in an area that no one - not even Hagrid or the magical creatures who lived there - had ventured to, a gathering took place. Everyone there stood clad in head to toe black, not an inch of skin showing. Even their faces were covered - leaving only a mouth hole and sheer material over their eyes. One of the people, presumably the leader, stood at the head of them. Everyone else gathered in a half circle in front of him. 

"Welcome, friends," he said, his voice deep and gravely from a voice distorter, "I see you all have taken the liberty to join us."

The man's body flickered, like he was a hologram. 

"Although some have denied their invitation, rest assured, they will be punished  . . . severely. I'm sure you all have heard of the Blood Killer, as the media calls it. And I am happy to say that I am the maker of such a killer, pardon me killers. Yes, my friends, plural. The burning faces, the hair removal, limb amputation; they are only one of the killers I have been grooming. Soon we will release more. In fact, we already have."

Chatter rose among the half circle. The volume rose louder and louder until the leader held up a hand.

"Now," he said, his mouth curving into a twisted smile, "I know you are all very excited to hear where our next kills will take place. Rest assured, they will all be mudbloods. And soon we will move onto the half bloods. We must make our kind pure again. And once we become pure and powerful again we will take on the muggles."

This time a round of cheers went around the people.

"And when we become the only people left," he said again, using a spell to raise his flickering form off the ground, "we will rule! And you all will remember me, your Dark Savior, your New Leader , your Blood Killer!"

As the people in the gathering exploded the flickering man slowly removed his mask. His wicked smile continued to grow, larger and larger until it enclosed everything into darkness. 

Draco sat up quickly, gripping the edge of the surface he was on. He sat panting. staring at the wall. His eyes darted around the dark room, failing to adjust to the lack of light. He couldn't remember any part of his dream, but he knew it wasn't good.

"Lumos," Draco muttered, flicking one of his hands out. 

A ball of light appeared dimly lit in the lamp right next to Draco. He scrunched his eyebrows together, thinking, before realizing he had been sleeping on his desk. Draco stood up and brushed any dirt off they may have been lingering on his clothes off. He turned around, prepared to light the entire room when he paused. Curled up in a ball in his desk chair, Hermione sat snoring quietly, all the worry gone from her face. Draco sighed and peeled off his jacket. He draped his jacket over her, making sure it was tucked around her so it wouldn't fall off. Draco chuckled. He never thought that he would one day he would be making sure Hermione Granger, the Hermione Granger wasn't getting cold. 

Draco then remembered her comment about his office being as warm as an oven. He stared in horror at the jacket he'd draped over her, wondering if he should take it back before Hermione woke up and noticed it. That would for sure make her bury Draco alive. 

Draco was about to make his final decision about the jacket when the door to his office slammed open, rebounding against the wall. Harry Potter, who had started to come rushing in was hit in the face by the very same door he had flung open. Harry cursed, holding his nose. 

"Dammit!" he all but screamed, moving his hands away to reveal a bleeding nose, "Why haven't you been answering your pages?"

"Uh, I think the battery's dead," Draco said, moving his hand towards his back pocket.

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