Easter Hunt Part 1

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A/N: Hey guys! This is a collabritive work between me and Angi_romeave. Part 2 will be up on her One Shot book about am hour or two after this is posted. If you ever want to collaborate with me or want to see more collaborations in the future, either comment or message me. Hope you all enjoy this holiday special. Thanks! ❤

"This year we will be holding an event purely for the amusement of other students," Dumbledore announced with a twinkle in his eyes, "All the seventh years will participate without argument or you will fail all your classes automatically, and yes I can do that."

Several groans were heard from the older kids who were being forced to participate while sixth years and younger looked excited and began whispering with each other.

"An Easter Egg Hunt will be held. The seventh years will be grouped into twos. The winners will revive 1000 house points for their houses and ten thousand galleons each. You and your partner will have one hour to collect as many eggs as you can. There are standard eggs, trick eggs, and even a few to add a little spice to things. Cameras have been set up all around  Professor McGonagall will now tell you the different eggs. Pay attention because you will only be told once." Dumbledore smiled sitting down as McGonagall rose.

"There's nine standard colored eggs. The golden eggs are worth 100 points. Silver is worth fifty, Bronze is worth twenty, pink and yellow are fifteen, green is ten, blue is five, purple is three, and white is negative five. There are three different trick eggs. Striped eggs will trap you in a circle for awhile and all time lengths are different. Spotted eggs will steal half of the eggs you have and hide them again, and checkered eggs will work as portkey and take you back to start when you walk within two feet of them." McGonagall smiled, "There are also blended eggs if the house colors. If you and your partner walk past one of these eggs that had both your house colors in a marble pattern on it, you will be stuck in a circle until you and your partner share a kiss no matter what gender. Even after the game ends you will be stuck together until you kiss."

McGonagall smirked at the groans and protests and sat down as Dumbledore rose back up.

"Now this will be held at The Burrow also known as The Weasley's house. Because of this we can't have any advantages over navigation and any hiding spots courtesy of Fred and George Weasley. So will The Weasley's, Mr. Potter, and Ms. Grang- uh Zabini please come up. You will take a potion that will temporarily erase your memory of the structure. It will return after the game," Dumbledore instructed.

The four students stood up, disappointed that they didn't have an advantage and walked to the front. They drank the green potion, grimacing at the awful taste before all four dropped to the ground.

"A mere side effect," Dumbledore smiled right as Harry, Ron, and Ginny shot up and grabbed their heads before returning to normal.

"Why isn't Hermione up?" Harry asked as the entire school watched the body of Hermione lying still.

Blaise Zabini, however stood up and walked forward. He drew his wand and pointed it at Hermione before saying a special spell causing her to shoot up.

"If any Zabini passes out or anything, the only way they wake is if another uses that spell," Blaise explained before returning to his seat while the Gryffindors went to theirs.

"We will begin in ten minutes. No magic. Your wands will be confiscated before hand and wandless magic is not allowed" Dumbledore said looking at Hermione who groaned at losing her only advantage, "Now the pairs will appear in the air. Find your partner and make your way to the courtyard where a portkey will take you to the Burrow."

Dramione One ShotsOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora