To Save A Life

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This is bases in sixth year but Draco doesn't have to kill Dumbledore.

Warning: there is a small bit of suicide so if that triggers you in any way, please proceed to the next story and skip this one.

"Harry! He's going up the stairs!" Neville shouted to Harry, Ginny, Ron, Hermione, and Luna through the chaos of the battle.

The six looked up to the staircase that led to the astronomy tower to see Draco Malfoy walking up them.

"Let's go!" Ron yelled.

The six ran over to the stairs and started climbing. Harry, Ron, and Hermione had made it ten stairs up when they realized they weren't being followed. They tilurned around to see their friends at the bottom of the stairs. Luna and Ginny were trying to walk through some sort of invisible barrier while Neville was facing the battle, blocking any spells that randomly came their way.

"Are you coming?" Ron asked.

"We can't. There's something in the way. Its a ward. It only let you three through," Ginny said.

"What?" Harry said, confused.

"Go!" Luna exclaimed, "Go help him. We all know he's being forced to do something. You three can help, you can proceed forward."

They nodded and ran up the rest of the way while Luna and Ginny turned to fight alongside Neville.

When the golden trio got to the top they spotted Malfoy standing in the entrance way to the balcony. He had his back to them and his shoulders were trembling.

They walked forward until Ron was stopped.

"There's another ward!" He said.

Harry reached his hand out and it was stopped. Hermione didn't even bother trying. Malfoy was right behind her in all her classes so his magic was impenetrable.

"Lovely night tonight, isn't it?" Malfoy asked, his voice hoarse as though he had been crying.

He turned around and walked forward until he was a couple feet away from the barrier that separated them. He looked down quickly, but the trio were able to see his red eyes. He had been crying.

"Malfoy, what's wrong?" Ron asked firmly, but in a gentle way. They all knew Malfoy was being forced to do something horrible and by his crying, it was clear he didn't want to.

Malfoy slowly rolled up his left sleeve to reveal a dark mark, "I have to kill..."

"What? No! They can't make you do that," Hermione said.

Malfoy sighed and met Harry's eyes, "They can. Blaise, Theo, Pansy, Daphne, Astoria," he said before switching his gaze to Ron's eyes, "Crabbe, Goyle, Mum." His voice cracked.

He took a deep breath and looked back to Harry then Ron. He kept switching his gaze between them, not sparing Hermione even a glance.

"All tied up and ready to be killed. Either I take one life, or they take eight," Malfoy breathed out before looking at the ground.

"Who do you have to kill?" Harry asked softly.

"The one I love the most," Malfoy whispered.

"Who is it Malfoy?" Harry asked in the safe soft tone.

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