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"I swear, I-I swear he walked right in through this door and tried to stab me! Blaise you have to believe me," Draco begged to his friend as they stood their shared flat.

"Draco. You're going through a rough time right now. You're mother's death, you lost your job, Teddy's gone missing," Blaise tried to reason, "Draco I'm going to be honest with you. I think you need help."

"Blaise you have to believe me! He tried to kill me and I took the knife and I-I-I stabbed it into his stomach! I went to get you and then he's gone!" Draco exclaimed, needing his friend to understand him.

"Draco look," Blaise said showing him a photo of a man eating a slice of pizza on a park bench, "Does he look like you stabbed him through the stomach ten hours ago?"

Draco looked at the phone, taking it in his hands. He slowly went over and sat on the couch.

"This is hard for you. I know, okay? I understand that you have all this stuff going on, lots of stress. But I think its taking a toll now. Your seeing things, mate, and it could lead to you hurting someone else or yourself. You need help Draco," Blaise said.

"Blaise.... Am I going crazy? A-Am I really losing my mind?" Draco asked setting the phone down and staring into space.

"I don't know," Blaise sighed.

"I need help." Draco said in a breaking voice, "I need help."

"I can get you help," Blaise reassured him, sitting in the chair in front of Draco and placing a hand on his knee, "Remember Hermione? From school."

"Granger?" Draco asked.

"Yes. Granger. She works with me in the hospital. We both are in the consoling ward. How bout I invite her over. Okay? Does that sound alright?" Blaise.

"G-Granger," Draco repeated. He had been seeing things for a long time now and rarely spoke. His outburst was a miracle and he knew he needed help.

"Yes. I'm going to call her over. She can help you," Blaise said sending a text to Hermione to get over to his house as soon as she could.

"Okay," Draco said shakily as he stood, "Blaise, I'm going crazy. There's all these voices in my head! I-I keep seeing things."

"I know man," Blaise said, "I'd help you, I will help you, but reconnecting with someone from your past may be better. Hermione can read people like an open book. She'll understand."

"Blaise?" A voice called from the front door.

Draco jumped behind Blaise at the noise.

"Hey, its just Hermione," Blaise said calmly.

Draco nodded and stood up fully. Blaise went to the door and opened it, hugging the small girl before leading her in.

"You said it was an emergency. What can I do?" Hermione asked.

"Draco he's... He keeps seeing things. He was holding a knife seconds ago claiming someone was trying to kill him. That's the third time this week its happened. He needs help, Hermione, and I'm hoping you can give it," Blaise said before they entered the room.

"H-Hermione," Draco said slowly when he saw her.

"Hello Draco," Hermione smiled, using his first name to keep him calm.

"Hermione," he repeated before walking forward and hugging her tightly, hurrying his face in her curls, "Please. Help me."

"I promise I will do everything I can," Hermione said carefully wrapping her arms around him in reassurance.

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