Slytherin and Gryffindor

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Hermione threw the door to the Heads dorms open stomped in, slamming it behind her.

"Don't talk to me," She growled to the Head Boy sitting on the couch with an amused smirk.

"Why not?" He asked in his arrogant voice.

"Because Dumbledore has finally lost his bloody marbles!" She exclaimed.

"Granger, he lost those the day he was born," The blonde boy smirked.

Hermione threw him a rude hand gesture before plopping down next to him, but keeping a far distance.

"Well that's a very ladylike thing to do," The blonde boy said sarcastically.

Hermione put on a face of mick surprised and turned to the boy saying, "So you're a girl? Godric knows you do that, in your words, 'ladylike' gesture a thousand times a day."

The boy scowled at her before saying, "Bugger off, Granger."

"Nope," Hermione smirked, "Sorry Malfoy, but I'm here to stay. I'll be right back though."

Malfoy watched at the beautiful brunette raced up the stairs and returned with a weird rectangular thing that opened and closed, some parchment, and two firewhiskey.

"Here," Hermione said passing him a firewhiskey before sitting down and opening the box thing. The top of it lit up while the bottom had buttons.

"What is that?" Malfoy asked, unable to keep the curiousity out of his voice.

"This is a laptop. You can go on the internet, play games, watch videos, all kinds of stuff on it," Hermione explained and she tapped some buttons and the screen changed.

"What are you doing?" Malfoy asked as he inched closer to get a better look.

"Well," Hermione said flushing red, "I was uh, listening to music on my IPod, a device that you can listen to music on with headphones, and didn't realize I was quietly uh, singing. Dumbledore walked by as I was and now he's given me the task of writing an entire song and preforming it tomorrow at dinner about house unity. And guess what?"

"Do I want to know?"

"Honestly no. Dumbledore said you get to preform it as well," Hermione said.

"Ah hell no!" Malfoy exclaimed.

"Sorry, not my choice," Hermione said taking a swig of firewhiskey.

"I can't sing, Granger," Malfoy retorted.

"I'm sure your fine if you can sing as well as you can out of the shower as you do in," Hermione smirked looking at him.

"How do you know that?" Malfoy asked his face lighting up as if it were on fire.

"You should cast silencing charms. I sometimes enter the dorms earlier than you think I do," Hermione said turning back to her laptop and furiously tapping buttons.

"Right," Malfoy said making a mental note to use a silencing charm.

The two sat in silence for awhile as Hermione continued to tap buttons until finally she breathed out deeply and took a large sip of firewhiskey. She then pressed a button and music started playing from the laptop.

"What's it doing?" Malfoy asked jumping back.

"Playing a melody that I've created," Hermione said rubbing her eyes, "It has speakers in it. They allow noise to come out."

"Oh," Malfoy said relaxing, "Its not bad actually."

"Thanks," Hermione smiled, "Only took me.....three hours." She finished after looking at the clock on her laptop.

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