Slytherin Style

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"I can't believe McGongall is forcing us all to share a common room!" Astoria complained out loud to the group of Slytherins and Gryffindors, "And now we have to spend 'House Untity Building' time together."

"None of us fancy it Gree- uh, Astoria," Dean said.

They were all forces to call each other by their first names. In the group you the Slytherins which were Astoria and Daphne Greengrass, Blaise Zabini, Theodore (Theo) Nott, Pansy Parkinson, and Draco Malfoy. (Crabbe AND Goyle died in the war because I wanted them to, so ha.)

Among the Gryffindors sat Hermione Granger, Harry Potter, Ron and Ginny Wealsey, Dean Thomas, Seamus Finnigan, Neville Longbottom, and Parvati Patil.

Astoria smirked at his mistake.

"Hey I have an idea!" Pansy exclaimed, "Let's play Truth or Dare."

"Slytherin Style?" Blaise asked.

"Is there any other way?" Daphne asked as Theo jumped up and ran to his, Blaise, and Draco's room.

"Uh, whats the Slytherin way?" Harry asked.

"Well, basically its normal truth or dare. But if you pick truth you either take a drop of Veritaserum and answer truthfully, or a short of firewhiskey. Same for dare except if you don't so it you take two shots," Pansy explained.

Ginny smirked widely, "Sounds perfect."

"You sure you weren't asked to be put in Slytherin?" Astoria asked, "You have the smirk and attitude for it."

"Well, the hat considered it," Ginny said siriusly, "But I wanted to stay with my brothers so in the end I won."

"Ha!" Ron cried out, "I knew it! She would've been put in Slytherin, pay up Neville!"

Everyone stares as Neville groaned and handed over five galleons.

"You siriusly were betrung on that?" Ginny asked.

"Please," Ron scoffed, "Me, Bill, and George are about to become siriusly rich from these bets."

Ginny slapped Ron's arm as Theo came back in with a bottle of firewhiskey for everyone. He passed them out before they began.

"I'm going first!" He called and spum a bottle in the middle. It landed on Neville, "Perfect! Truth or dare?"

"Dare," Neville replied. His courage had improved greatly since the war.

"I dare you tell Binns you're in love with him!" Theo said.

Neville shrugged and left the room. He came back ten minutes later and played a memory in front of them.

"Professor Binns! Wait!" Cried Neville.

"What?" Binns asked as he turned around.

Neville took a deep breath and smiled, fake of course, "I'm in love with you!"

Binns rolled his eyes, "I will see you in detention tomorrow at six."

"See you there," Neville called as he walked away.

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