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An explosion sounded near the back of the class.

Hermione, Draco, Crabbe, Goyle, Harry, and Ron were all the closest.

"Who did this?" Snape asked.

"It was her!" Crabbe and Giyle cried pointing at Hermione at the same time Harry and Ron cries, "It was him," and pointed to Malfoy.

Snape gave a weird smile, "Detention. Both of you. Tonight. Be here by six. You will clean the castle by hand. All the classrooms, bathrooms and reorganize the potions cupboard."

"What?" Hermione and Draco cried.

"Professor!" Hermione said, "Isn't that bit extreme? I mean it was just a small explosion and we didn't do it. It was Crabbe and Goyle."

"Do not question me Miss Granger. Just because I do in fact owe you my life, doesn't mean I will let you off the hook when you make mistakes like this." Snape said, "I expect you and Mr. Malfoy here by six. Class dismissed!"

Snape watched his two favorite students throw each other a death glare.

"See you tonight Granger," Malfoy said.

"Whatever," Hermione responded.

"Oh yes," Snape said as they left the classroom, "Minerva and I will soon be rich."

Later that night:

"Finally," Hermione gasped as she placed the last bottle of spider legs on the shelf under 'S', "We're done!"

Malfoy sighed, "I bloody hate Snape. Siriusly, we didn't even do it yet we LANs the punishment!"

Hermione rolled her eyes and motioned him for her to follow with the rest of the brooms and mops. Malfoy reluctantly followed her to the supply closet outside the dungeons.

Inside they closed the door and began to put everything away. Malfoy was just finishing balancing brooms when there was a loud click from the door.

"Malfoy...." Hermione whispered, "Did someone just lock the door?"

"Muffliato," A voice said from the other side.

"Bloody hell!" Malfoy said and tried to open the door, "Great. We're stuck. Someone locked it. Of course we don't have our bloody wands! You could get us out in a second!"

"Was that a compliment, ferret?" Hermione asked with a raised eyebrow.

"If you want it to be," he responded sitting down next to her.

Hermione shifted away a bit to distance them against the wall. There was only half a wall that didn't have shelves or brooms agasint it and the two fit perfectly with less than a foot between them.

"I won't bite," Malfoy said with his eyes closed and head leaning back, "Well, maybe." He joked.

Hermione rolled her eyes, "I wouldn't out it past you to."

Malfoy opened his eyes and feigned hurt, "Granger, how dare you say that? Am I really just an abusive Slytherin in your eyes?"

"No." She stated, "You're an arrogant, self-absorbed ferret who cares about nothing but how many girls he can get."

"That was low," Malfoy said turning his head to face her.

Hermione scoffed, "I know. It was meant to be."

Malfoy shook his head slightly amused. The two sat in silence before Malfoy looked over at Hermione. He watched her small figure curled up in a very uncomfortable position as she slept softly.

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