30 Ladybug

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Alright, guys, this is the last chapter. Thank you all for reading this book. Sit back and grab your popcorn and enjoy the final chapter.


Ladybug picked up Adrien and jumped off the ground. She used her yo-yo to swing onto a building and run across it. She flung out her yo-yo and it wrapped around a chimney so she could jump over it and into an alley.


Ladybug swung around and faced the person who spoke. It was Nathalie. She put her hands up in surrender.

"Wait, I want to help. Mister Agreste is not himself and if we can help him see what has become of himself, then he'll stop. Please."

Ladybug looked at the scared woman in front of her. There was no time to decide if she was trustworthy enough. She set Adrien down and ran to the edge of the alley so she could see the park. "Chat Noir" was standing in the middle of the park. She ran back to Adrien and Nathalie.

"Master Fu suggested we use Adrien as a distraction then grab his miraculous off of "Chat Noir." Master Fu made a potion that will cure Gabriel," Ladybug informed. "And Nathalie...just keep him calm."

They nodded. Adrien stepped out from the alley and walked towards "Chat Noir." Ladybug  waited in the shadows with Nathalie while Adrien talked to "Chat Noir."

"Father, please don't do whatever you were thinking of doing. Please," Adrien begged.

"Chat Noir" snarled, "You betrayed me. You betrayed Emilie. You aren't my son, Adrien."

"Just listen to me, Father."

"Chat Noir" stared at Adrien as he stepped closer.

Ladybug took her chance and jumped on "Chat Noir." She punched him and he fell to the ground. "Chat Noir" took her leg and swung her over him. Ladybug leaped out of his grasp before she hit the ground. "Chat Noir" sprung up and kicked Ladybug in the stomach. She doubled over and got knocked down to her knees. Before "Chat Noir" could hit her, Nathalie's arms snaked around him and took the villain by surprise. Ladybug jumped up and swung her yo-yo around "Chat Noir" so he would be trapped in ropes. She slipped the ring off his finger and threw it towards Adrien.

"PLAGG, CLAWS OUT!" Adrien shouted when he caught it.

Ladybug joined Chat Noir and faced Gabriel. His mouth was open as Nathalie's arms tightened around him. His eyes widened as a tear slipped down.

"I'm so sorry," he whispered. "Here."

He threw the moth and peacock miraculous at Ladybug. Chat Noir and her gave each other skeptical glances.

"Claws in," Adrien said while running to his father's side with the potion. "Father, drink th-"

Adrien fell to the ground and clutched his side. Ladybug's eyes widened.

"What did you do?" she screamed.

Gabriel smiled. "When I first found out Adrien was Chat Noir, I sucked up his kwami's power. I used cataclysm on Adrien. I had to get revenge on my son before I died."

Gabriel took out a knife and cut his throat, falling to the ground with blood seeping onto the floor. Ladybug ran to Adrien and took his hand. Nathalie was crying as she held Gabriel's blood-soaked body in her arms.

"It's okay. You're gonna be fine," Ladybug said while tears ran down the side of her face.

Adrien's clothes were turning into dark ash that was blowing away. He breathed very slowly.

"I don't want to die," Adrien whispered, fear in his eyes.

"You're not. You're not," Ladybug repeated, trying to convince herself as much as Adrien.

"I'm sorry I couldn't love you right," Adrien whispered.

Ladybug shook her head. "There's no right way to love. I know you've never had a girlfriend."

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry."

Ladybug was sobbing like crazy. "Adrien...I love you," she admitted as she kissed his forehead.

"I think I do too, Bug-a-boo. I..."

Adrien's body faded away. Forever. Ladybug put her forehead to the grass and let all her pain out.

They cleaned out the mansion and sold it to another family. They held a funeral for Adrien and Gabriel. Marinette gave hers and Adrien's miraculous back to Master Fu and went back to school like she used to before. No one was the same after that.

One day Marinette looked out the window of the classroom and wondered what Adrien was doing right now...

Adrien opened his eyes and saw his mother and father. He ran across the clouds and hugged them. They all cried and hugged, even Gabriel. They looked at each other and knew this was the life they were waiting for. To be together.

Hi. Thank you, all of you. It wasn't the happiest of endings, but Adrien and Marinette are happy so I'd call it a good ending. [Even though they didn't end up together.]
Bug Out

820 words

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