8 Luka

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Luka was on his water boat playing his guitar. He walked out and started heading towards the school. Once he arrived, he slipped into the library and hid behind a bookshelf. He saw Marinette and Adrien working close together. Too close. Marinette got up and looked for another book. Luka took her hand and covered his own over her mouth.

"It's okay, Marinette. I just want to ask you a question. And before I do, I just want to let you know that I'm over you."

Luka slowly let his hand slip away from her mouth.

"What do you want to ask me? And you know you could have done it after school so it's not as creepy?"

They both laughed quietly.

"I wanted to know if you could join me for a concert. As friends. I haven't really gotten to know you and I feel like I need to apologize again," Luka lied.

"Sure, I'd love to. Maybe we can invite Adrien too," she said with hearts in her eyes.

Luka frowned.

I can still make this work with Adrien there.

"Of course. I'll see you at seven near the canal," Luka agreed.

Marinette nodded and walked back to Adrien.

"Hey, Adrien," Marinette greeted as she sat down.

Adrien was writing the essay for the assignment. He looked up and gave a small smile.

"Hey, you," he said back.

"Luka wanted to go to a concert with me as an apology. Wanna come?" Marinette asked.

Adrien's heart skipped a beat. Could he see Luka again after his feelings for the boy? He had Marinette now so...

"Sure," Adrien finally murmured before continuing to write.

Marinette took his hand and moved her thumb over it. Her cheeks heated and her pulse quickened. Adrien squeezed her hand gently.

Luka scowled as he watched them. Jealousy coursed through his veins. Luka decided it was best to go home and set up his plan.

It was very packed at the concert. The stage was lit purple and people stood shouting and waiting for Jagged Stone and his pet alligator to come out. Luka was in the front row waiting for Marinette and Adrien. When they arrived, they were holding hands. Luka looked away.

Put on a smile. You're so close.

"Hi, Luka!" Marinette waved.

"Hi, Marinette. Hi, Adrien," Luka said back to them.

Adrien nodded. On the inside, he was nervous and jumpy.

They all settled down in the front row. Jagged Stone came out with his alligator and everyone jumped and cheered and screamed. Luka grinned. He put his hands up and sang along to the lyrics. Marinette clapped and yelled. Adrien gasped. It was his first time going to a live concert. He looked over to Luka who was grinning and yelping. Luka turned towards Adrien and grabbed the blond's hand and put it in the air. Adrien smiled and started to cheer. After about a good hour or so of screaming and dancing, Adrien talked.

"I'll be back. Gotta go to the restroom," Adrien said hurrying away.

"Marinette, I need to talk to you," Luka yelled over the shouting.

Marinette turned to him confused. "What?"

Luka gestured to the back of the stage. They went behind the truck where Jagged Stone changed outfits and fixed makeup. As soon as they were out of the light, Luka faced Marinette and darkened his expression. Marinette's eyes widened.

"Is everything o-" Marinette started before Luka cut her off.

"This is how it's going to go down," he said in a deep voice. "You're going to ignore Adrien and if you are dating, break up with him. You won't talk to him or look at him. Understand?"

Marinette raised an eyebrow and shook her head. "Where is this coming from? I won't-"

Luka backed her up to the trailer. "I will hurt you if you don't do that, Marinette."

Marinette put her lips together in a tight white line. "I don't think so, Luka," she snapped.

Luka bent down and grabbed a rock. Marinette was alerted, but she was too slow. Luka hit her temple, knocking her unconscious. She crumpled in Luka's arms. He felt guilt course around his head. Maybe this was a bad idea.

It's too late.

He dragged her limp body behind the dumpsters where she wouldn't be seen. He walked back to the concert and scooted his way through the crowd to his spot. Adrien stood crossing his arms.

"Where's Marinette?" Adrien asked coldly.

"She left. Her parents were worried about her so I escorted her to the bus. She said that we could stay here and have a good time," Luka replied.

Adrien could feel his palms getting sweaty. He couldn't stay here for another three hours with Luka. He couldn't.

"I should go to her," he said suddenly out of breath.

"She did want us to have fun, but if you don't want to do that for her because you're a bad boyfriend..."

Adrien's cheeks turned red. "We haven't made it official yet, but I'm still making sure she's alright."

Luka was a little surprised about that. He swallowed. "Fine, but I'm coming with you. She's my friend too," he insisted.

Walking alone with Luka? Could Adrien do that? He nodded slowly.

"I'm sorry. I haven't seen Marinette," Sabine, Marinette's mother said. "She might have gone to Alya's house."

"Okay. Thank you Misses Dupain-cheng," Adrien thanked before the door shut. He spun around to glare at Luka. "You lied to me."

Luka smirked slightly. He pinned Adrien against the wall with his arm outstretched and his face close to Adrien's in a swift movement.

Adrien's heart sped up and his Adam's apple bobbed. He shut his mouth and waited for something to happen. Luka brushed his hand against Adrien's cheek. Adrien flinched.

Luka spoke in a soft voice. "If you don't want Marinette to get hurt, then you have to do something for me," Luka said not meaning it. He would never hurt Marinette.

"What?" Adrien asked quietly.

Luka leaned in and whispered in his ear, "Love me."

Adrien's jaw dropped. A surge of honey-like warmth swirled around his stomach and chest.

"Do we have a deal?" Luka questioned, putting out his hand.

Adrien blinked his eyes a couple of times. He didn't know what he was witnessing.

"You won't hurt Marinette if I l-love you?"

Luka nodded. Adrien wasn't sure how to feel about this deal. He didn't want Marinette to get hurt, but if he went on a date it might confirm his worst fears. With a shaky hand, Adrien shook Luka's hand.

Luka smiled. He licked his lips and asked, "Should I walk you home?"

Later that night, Luka got Marinette and locked her in a room under the boat. He stared at her.

Maybe I did go too far. Too late now.

So...that was a twist?
Bug Out.

1149 words

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