20 Master Fu

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Master Fu had to protect Adrien because according to Plagg's memory, his father knew that he was Chat Noir. If Gabriel could claim both Chat Noir's and Ladybug's miraculous, then he could make one powerful wish. But if he made that wish...it would come at a price. And if Adrien knew that Gabriel was Hawk Moth...he could get akumatized.

Master Fu's kwami, Wayzz, a green turtle, flew to the door. "They will be arriving soon, Master," Wayzz warned.

"We will have much to talk about," Master Fu said as he scratched his beard.

He always did that when he was in deep thought.

Thump, thump.

"Come in."

Master Fu settled down on his meditating rug, waiting for Ladybug and Chat Noir to come in. Wayzz flew close to his master's side. Just as predicted, Ladybug and Chat Noir ran inside and shut the door. Master Fu grinned.

"It is good to see you, Ladybug and Chat Noir."

"You as well, Master Fu," Ladybug greeted.

Ladybug and Chat Noir settled in front of Master Fu and waited to be told some information. Master Fu took a deep breath and started to explain.

"I know who Hawk Moth is."

Ladybug and Chat Noir leaned in, anxious to know who the evil villain was. Master Fu eyed Chat Noir carefully.

"Gabriel Agreste."

Ladybug's eyes widened and she shook her head. "Adrien. He'll be in even more danger now that we know. We have to protect him," she said, determined.

Master Fu looked at Chat Noir again. He was sitting still and his muscles were firm. He breathed in and out slowly. Chat Noir stared at Master Fu with cold, glaring eyes.

Ladybug hadn't noticed yet. She was too concerned about the safety of Adrien.

"What if Chat Noir and I both watched Adrien at night? What if we take Gabriel's miraculous? We know where he lives now."

Chat Noir held Ladybug's hand and squeezed it. His face was emotionless.

"Don't get hurt, Ladybug. Don't put yourself in front of Adrien. We'll find a way to get Gabriel's miraculous. I promise," Chat Noir said softly.

Ladybug squeezed his hand back and whispered, "I won't."

"Be careful," Master Fu warned. "We don't know what Hawk Moth is capable of doing. You must get home quickly.

Ladybug nodded and stood. Chat Noir glared at Master Fu. Master Fu got the hint that he would want to have a private discussion later.

Thunder boomed over Paris as the sky filled with dark clouds. Chat Noir and Ladybug jumped from building to building until Chat Noir landed on a roof and sat down. Ladybug sighed and sat next to him.

"What's wrong, M'lady?" Chat Noir asked in a monotone.

"I'm just worried. Gabriel is Hawk Moth. I mean, wow."

"Don't remind me," Chat Noir spat.

Ladybug pursed her lips but said nothing. They sat on the building in tense silence.

"Are you mad?" Ladybug finally asked.

Chat Noir drew in a sharp breath. "You wouldn't understand, Ladybug. You can't understand."

Ladybug turned her body towards the black cat. "Then make me understand," she snapped.

Chat Noir growled and stood up. He faced the direction of his house which was visible from his point of view.

"No Ladybug! I can't make you understand!" Chat Noir shouted.

He took deep breaths and closed his eyes. He couldn't get akumatized. He had to keep calm.

"I can't make you understand," he repeated quieter.

Ladybug stood and stared at his back. "Why?" she asked softly.

Chat Noir opened his mouth, but no words came out. He just looked at his house.

"Is it because of Adrien? Because I want to protect him?"

Ladybug reached for his hand. He felt her presence and pulled his hand to his chest so she couldn't touch it.

"It's not that," he said.

"Then tell me what the problem is!" Ladybug yelled.

"Why can't you let me reveal my identity? It would make things so much easier," he whispered.

Ladybug huffed. "This again? Please Chat, I already told you this. And now that Hawk Moth is tracking us, it's even risker," Ladybug argued.

"Gabriel. Call him Gabriel. He's still a person, not just a villain," Chat Noir snarled.

"Well, Gabriel has akumatized multiple victims so actually, Chat-"

Chat Noir turned around and screamed, "My father is a good person! You don't know him!"

Ladybug stepped back with wide eyes. "Your father? Gabriel?"

Chat Noir shut his eyes as he realized his mistake.

"You're Adrien?"

Chat Noir nodded once. Ladybug snapped her mouth shut. The rain started to sprinkle down and leave little dots on the roof.

"I'm Adrien. My father is Hawk Moth and I'm his son. That's why you can't understand, Marinette. My dad is evil! He..."

Chat Noir stopped talking. He looked over his shoulder as a tear dropped from his eye. Rain poured down harder and dripped onto Chat Noir's hair. Ladybug took his shoulders in a firm hold.

"You are not your father. You're good. And I'm sure your dad is too," Ladybug lied. "Something must have happened to him. C'mon, let's figure this out together."

Chat Noir sighed as the rain became heavier and the wind started to pick up.

"Let me just go home," Chat Noir said.

"I'm coming with you. Please," Ladybug begged.


Chat Noir extended his pole and made his way to his house. Ladybug swung her yo-yo to keep up with him. They flew into Adrien's bedroom window and landed safely inside. Chat Noir stomped to his bed and de-transformed. Ladybug had to hold in a gasp. Chat Noir was really Adrien. He sat at the edge of his bed as he looked at his feet.

"Spots off," Ladybug said.

Marinette sat on the opposite side of Adrien. The silence was terrifying.

"Sorry," Adrien muttered. "I didn't mean to yell. I just...my father. I can't believe..."

He put his head in his hands.

"We'll figure it out. I promise," Marinette whispered.

Adrien got up before she could rest a hand on his back. He grabbed a blanket and pillow and laid on his white couch.

"You can sleep on the bed. I just need to be alone tonight," Adrien murmured.

Marinette dropped her hand and looked down. "Yeah. Of course."

She rested her body on top of the covers and looked at the ceiling until she fell asleep. Adrien watched her reflection in his window. He sighed and made his way back to his bed. He laid on the far edge of it and restlessly fell asleep.

Evil lurked in the shadows, watching the two superheroes.

Hawk Moth.

All relationships go through rough patches.
Bug Out.

1115 words

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