14 Chat Noir

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Red. Darkness. Luka. Father. Marinette. Ladybug. Adrien. Nightmares. Beep. Beep.

Chat Noir's eyes sprung wide open. His face was sweaty and his waist ached. Marinette was sleeping soundlessly next to him. Chat Noir's chest rose and fell in quick bursts. The alarm went off again until Marinette turned and groaned. She sat up and quieted it. Marinette rubbed her eyes and faced Chat Noir.

"I have to get ready for school," she said.

Marinette stood up and headed to the bathroom. Chat Noir felt dizzy. He had another nightmare that gave him chills. He managed to get up and walk to the window. He also had school, but Marinette couldn't know that.

"Where are you going, Chat? Aren't you still hurt?"

Marinette walked out fully cleaned and dressed. She looked worried.

"Well...yes but I have a family. They'll worry about me," Chat Noir lied.

Chat Noir only had his father and he didn't care that much for his son.

Marinette nodded. "I understand. Will I see you tomorrow? I know you had a bad dream."

Chat Noir looked behind Marinette and frowned. "I'm sorry you had to see that," he said as he backed away from the window towards Marinette.

"It's okay, Chat. You don't have to be ashamed," she comforted.

Marinette looked up to Chat Noir's sad green eyes. Her heart lurched and she gently cupped his face and brought her lips to his. A warm, fuzzy vibration rang between them. Chat Noir took her hands off his face and pulled back. Her ears and cheeks turned pink and her palms began to sweat.

"I-I-I'm so sorry. I-I shouldn't have...oh gosh," Marinette stuttered.

Chat Noir gave her a charming smile and pulled her in tight. One of his arms was on her back and the other was on her neck, both pulling her into him. Marinette gasped silently and balled her hands into fists as her arms wrapped around his waist. They hugged until Chat Noir let go and put his hands on her shoulders. He didn't speak until her eyes met his.

"I need to figure out my feelings first if I want to be with you. Give me time, Purrincess," Chat Noir purred.

Marinette blushed. "I need to do that too. Can we...just forget about it for a while?" she asked.

Chat Noir nodded then hopped out the window, ignoring the pain at his waist. He reached his house without getting noticed by anyone.

"Plagg, claws in."

Plagg dropped in Adrien's hands, out of breath. He had a scar on the left side of his eye.

Adrien was suddenly very concerned about his friend. "Plagg, are you alright?"

"That was weird. The magic just kind of...broke. We need to see Master Fu right away," Plagg warned

"We will, but not now. I have school. Now hide."

Plagg moaned then flew inside of Adrien's shirt. They raced downstairs to the doors.

"Adrien. Where were you last night?"

Adrien froze in place. That was his father's angry voice. He turned around slowly and smiled timidly.

"I was at Nino's house," Adrien lied.

"After curfew and without telling me?" his father questioned harshly.

Adrien frowned. "I'm sorry, Father. I promise I'll be home right after school today."

Adrien's father gritted his teeth, but nodded and headed upstairs. Adrien sighed and went to school. He had to go to the movies with his friends and visit Marinette's house without his father knowing. It was going to be difficult for Adrien...but, not Chat Noir.

Well, now we have Marichat. How many ships will sail and how many will sink? Find out in the next chapter!
Bug Out.

614 words

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