26 Adrien

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Rena Rouge and Ladybug leaped out a window and ran back to Alya's house. Alya handed Ladybug her miraculous with a sigh.

"If you ever need help, just come find me," Alya said with a wink.

Ladybug smiled. It was clear she would.

"Oh, and one more thing. Adrien is going to be fine, right?"

"I'll bring him to my master. He'll heal Adrien."

"Wow, you have a master? So cool!"

Ladybug beamed. She gave one last glance at Alya, then retreated into the darkness.

Adrien's mind was running wild. No, it was betraying him. All he could think of was how weak he was. He could only feel pain. He was helpless. And Marinette left him...NO. She didn't. She's coming back. She had to come back. Adrien refused to believe she was leaving him with this...this...monster!

Adrien must have lost a lot of blood. He was unconscious for almost twenty-four hours. Or at least, it felt like a day.

Adrien flinched at the touch of fingers on his back. Hawk Moth must be here to torture him more. Adrien slumped back down to the floor. He was used to the pain by now. Hawk Moth came every hour or so to see him. Most of the time it was to hurt him, but once or twice he just came to talk. He said crazy things about his mother, and the miraculous, and revenge...and other pointless crap. Adrien could barely hear him so it was easy to ignore him.

A light filled Adrien's vision. Hawk Moth never brought lights down to the place where he stayed. Strange. Adrien forced his eyes to open.

Two people stood before him with their backs turned...maybe. It was too hard to see exactly who it was and what they were doing. He spread his hands on the floor and grasped whatever soft thing he had just touched. Was it a...rug? Adrien felt his chest. A shirt was placed on him. How nice.

Adrien's eyes adjusted to the bright light. He was definitely not in Hawk Moth's lair anymore. It was a small room with medicines and a teapot and other weird things. Adrien felt as though this place was familiar.

He groaned and attempted to sit up. He failed and laid back down with his head hitting the ground, hard. He closed his eyes. His whole body ached and he needed to gather his strength before he tried to sit again. A soft hand stroked his face. He swatted it away. Scars and bruises covered most of his face and he didn't need a stranger petting them.

"Where am I?" Adrien managed to croak.

Someone on the other side of the room scoffed, "I would assume you of all people would know where we are, Chat Noir."

"How did you..."

Adrien knew that heavy accent from anywhere. Master Fu! He was saved. Marinette did it.

Adrien's eyes sprung open. He sat up and immediately regretted it. Pain shot up his spine. He collapsed into someone's arms. His head fell on the person's lap. Marinette smiled down at Adrien. They stared into each other's eyes. Tears slipped down Marinette's cheeks. She swiped at them before they fell on Adrien's face.

"It's good to see your face again," Adrien spoke softly, taking Marinette's hands into his own.

She pressed her lips against Adrien's hands to form a soft but sweet kiss.

"It was actually pretty easy. I had help from Alya. Or I guess, Rena Rouge. That's her superhero name."

Marinette winked. Adrien just smiled. He would ask her about details later.

"I know you're busy right now, but could you drink this, Adrien?" Master Fu asked.

Adrien looked up to see Master Fu holding a bottle with red liquid in it.

"What is that?" Adrien asked sceptical.

"It will heal you. Not completely, but enough so you won't feel pain. Unfortunately, your scars and slashes will still be there."

Adrien shivered remembering the whip marks scarred on his back. He grabbed the bottle and gulped it down. It felt amazing against his dry throat. He hadn't eaten or drank anything for maybe two days.

"The medicine should put you to sleep," Master Fu warned. "Just relax."

Adrien didn't hear anything else. His eyes closed without him realizing and before he knew it, sleep took over his body.

See, he's gonna be fine...or will he?
Bug Out.

740 words

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