13 Marinette

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After getting Chat Noir and walking him to Marinette's house, he fainted. And it was only one more block away. Marinette grabbed Chat Noir frantically and set him down gently. She sat next to him and checked his heartbeat.

Phew. Still alive. Oh gosh. He is really bleeding. Poor cat. I bet he got sliced with that sword. It would make sense because he took a while. And I didn't even notice...

Marinette felt guilty for not staying with Chat Noir as Ladybug. It wouldn't matter if she transformed back, Chat Noir might have not gotten this bad if she had stayed.

"Marinette, we need to get Chat Noir inside!" Tikki warned.

"I'm trying, Tikki."

Marinette grunted as she pulled Chat Noir up and over her shoulder. She started walking... slowly. He was heavier than he looked.

"I wonder if Plagg is alright," Tikki pondered from Marinette's bag.

"Who?" Marinette asked confused.

"Plagg. Chat Noir's kwami. I hope he's not hurt because well...he's kind of the suit and Chat Noir's suit got cut which has never happened before..."

"Wait, back up. Kwamis are our suits when we transform?"

"Yes and no. We are what transforms you into superheroes. Like, take Chat Noir for example. Plagg goes inside of his ring and gives his powers to him. The suit comes from magic and Plagg's powers."


Marinette had no other words to use. What could she say? That was incredible!

She finally reached her house and slipped in. Since her parents were sleeping, she would have to be extra quiet. Marinette started climbing the stairs to her room. She held Chat Noir by the arms and dragged him along with her.

After reaching her room, Marinette set Chat Noir on the floor and grabbed a wet cloth. She started cleaning the wound and bandaging it up. She also cleaned his paw and suit, just to be nice. Marinette settled by her window waiting for Chat Noir to wake.

"That was a very nice thing of you to do Marinette," Tikki noticed.

"What, saving his life? This probably wouldn't have happened if I didn't let Chat Noir do all the risky work. Besides, he would have done the same for me."

"Don't say that. It wouldn't have happened if his suit wasn't acting right," Tikki corrected.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, your suits are magic. He should have been able to get cut, but not take any damage. Either Plagg is weak and is not holding up the attacks, or the magic is...off. We need to see Master Fu as soon as possible."

Marinette nodded. Master Fu had a bunch of other kwamis and was the one to give Marinette hers, the miraculous of creation.

Marinette and Tikki sat in silence for a few minutes until they heard a groaning behind them. Tikki hid under the bed and Marinette turned to see a very dazed-looking cat staring right at her.

"Marinette? What am I doing here?" Chat Noir asked.

Chat Noir tried getting up, but then immediately fell from the pain. Marinette ran over to him.

"Are you okay?" Marinette asked looking at him.

"Well...not really."

Marinette felt bad.

Poor kitty.

"Do you need anything?" she questioned.

"I just need some sleep. And maybe some pain medicine?"

"Of course."

Marinette lifted Chat Noir onto her bed. She went to the medicine cabinet and pulled out Advil and Ibuprofen. She gave them to him and watched the cat swallow them.

"Thanks," Chat Noir said as he stretched out.

"Sure thing."

"Are you going to sleep?" Chat Noir asked.

"Oh, yeah. I'll sleep on the couch," Marinette replied.

"It's your bed. Here, you can sleep next to me."

Chat Noir scooted to one side of the bed leaving enough space for Marinette. She hesitated.

Chat Noir smiled. "I don't scratch," he joked.

She chuckled lightly. "Well, if you insist."

Marinette climbed next to Chat Noir. He yawned and put his arms under his head.

"Man, if I didn't have searing pain in my side, this would be the life," Chat Noir said.

Marinette looked at her ceiling. She sighed. "I'm sorry I didn't get to you sooner. I should h-"

"Hey," Chat Noir interrupted. "No worries. Let's just sleep."

Marinette nodded and turned on her side, facing Chat Noir. Her hand was near Chat Noir's face and he could smell the scent of roses mixed with flour. Chat Noir smiled. Then the darkness overcame both of them and they fell into a deep sleep.

Mmm...a bit suspicious.
Bug Out.

762 words

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