23 Adrien

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It was difficult to stay awake. All Adrien wanted to do was close his eyes and never open them again. But Marinette was keeping him awake. Her voice was calming... hopeful.

"Tikki, where are you?" Marinette was saying these words over and over again.

Tikki was their only hope to escape. Plagg couldn't help them because once the owner takes their miraculous off, their kwami disappears.

"Adrien, I don't know. I don't know if I can save you," Marinette whined before she broke down in sobs.

Adrien tried his best to smile. "Try again. I promise it will work. You have to do this. Save us both."

A spark of possibility ignited in Marinette. Instead of yelling Tikki's name, she said it softly in her head. She begged Tikki to help them.


Marinette glanced up. It was Tikki!

"Tikki! Where were you?"

"I was trapped. When Hawk Moth stuck the needle in your arm, it somehow made me sleep too. I was imprisoned in your earrings until I heard your voice. Thank you. Now, what happened? I feel like I missed a lot of things."

Marinette explained everything she could remember.

"Alright Marinette, let's do this!" Tikki announced.

"TIKKI, SPOTS ON!" Ladybug appeared before Adrien's eyes. "LUCKY CHARM!"

A paper clip dropped into Ladybug's hands. She maneuvered the chains so the keyhole was facing her. She straightened the clip and dug it into the keyhole.


The chains dropped to the ground. Ladybug ran over to Adrien. She broke the handcuffs with a swing of her yo-yo.

Adrien fell into Ladybug's arms. Ladybug inspected his back. It was worse than she could have imagined. She looked away, afraid she would vomit. She swung his limp body over her shoulder.

Beep, beep.

Five minutes until she transformed back. She could do this.

Adrien tried to hold tightly to Ladybug as she jumped. He was blinded by the light. They were in his father's office. Adrien had only been there once when he found a book on superheroes.

Ladybug ran upstairs and to his room. She shut the door quietly and rushed to set Adrien on his bed.

"Spots off."

Marinette gave Tikki a macaroon from her bag before leaning over Adrien. She stroked his hair back to make it neater. Adrien winced slightly and bit his lip. She retracted her hand quickly.

"I'll be right back. I'm getting water on your back," she insisted.

Marinette walked briskly to his sink. She grabbed a cloth and let it soak the water coming from the faucet. Adrien rolled to his stomach and braced himself for the sting of pain. Marinette tried her best not to rub hard on the wounds, but it still burned. Adrien bit his pillow so he could muffle the screams. The water didn't help at all.

She scanned his room for a shirt. Adrien grasped her arm before she could move. He sat up and rested his body on Marinette's.

"I'm sorry, Marinette. For yesterday, and today, and all the times I hurt you. I know I don't deserve you, but...I think...I'm in love with you," Adrien whispered.

Marinette's body went limp. It was the first time he used the 'L' word.

"I love you," Marinette said back. "I won't let your father hurt you anymore."

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