4 Ladybug

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It was like a dream come true. Spending the day with Adrien, then she'd get to be his partner for an entire week! It couldn't get any better. But it could get worse. Miss Bustier advised everyone to get home because of the Akuma alert. But Marinette had to do something else.

"Come on Tikki, I have to transform. TIKKI, SPOTS ON!"

Ladybug and Chat Noir defeated the villain in an hour or so. Chat Noir was acting differently to Ladybug as if his mind was preoccupied.

"Chat Noir, are you feeling alright?" Ladybug asked.

"Of course, M'lady, or um, Ladybug. I mean, Bug-a-boo." Chat Noir groaned and sat down on the edge of a building, his feet dangling off of it.

Ladybug softened her expression. She sat down next to her partner and put her hand on his shoulder.

"You've been acting strange, Chat Noir."

"How so?" he asked even though he knew the answer.

"Well...I feel like you're not as open to me as you were before."

"Ladybug, let's be honest. I liked you a lot, but you didn't feel the same. I'm not going to be Luka and get super upset, I'm way better than him." They both smiled slightly. "So I thought it would be best if I moved on. I love you so much, M'lady."

Ladybug's heart wrenched. Her stomach twisted into a knot.

"Chat Noir, I'm happy for you. Whoever this girl is, she is lucky to have you," Ladybug said half convincingly.

Chat Noir looked to the side and bit his lips. Is it a girl or...

"But remember, we can't tell each other too much about our personal lives because it could be dangerous," Ladybug reminded the cat.

"Of course. Thank you for understanding, M'lady. This is...new to me," Chat Noir admitted, looking back at Ladybug.

The heroes shared a smile. He stood and waved before extending his pole and jumping off of buildings.

"Bye, Chat Noir."

Ladybug sighed and watched the sun glow orange overhead as it sunk into the ground.

It bothered Ladybug that she felt this way. Ladybug always pretended that she hated Chat Noir's romantic names or silly posing, but she had enjoyed them. She felt pain in her heart realizing that she had pushed Chat Noir away. Someone never knows how much they like something until they don't have it.

No! You finally have a chance with Adrien. Don't mess it up.

Ladybug swung behind her parent's bakery and detransformed. She walked to the front and upstairs to her bedroom. She sat at her desk and slumped down. Marinette absentmindedly touched the petals of the roses Luka gave her.

"What's wrong, Marinette?" Tikki asked as she flew next to her master.

"I think I have feelings for Chat Noir," Marinette whispered.

"But what about Adrien? Don't you like him too?"

Marinette sighed. "I'm not sure anymore, Tikki. I like Adrien, I really do, but I also don't like the fact that Chat Noir likes someone else than Ladybug. Maybe I'm just a petty, selfish brat."

"It's okay to like two people, Marinette. As long as you don't lead them both on," Tikki advised.

"You're right, Tikki. Today has been too long of a day for me. I'm going to change and finally sleep."

As Marinette was about to go to her closet, she heard a tap, tap, tap, coming from her window. She glanced up and saw a black cat waiting to be let in.

Ladybug: I wonder who this girl could be.
Me: *facepalms* IT'S YOU, YOU IDIOT!
I get triggered at my own writing.
Bug Out.

606 words

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