2 Chat Noir

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"Akuma alert, Akuma alert!"

The news spread quickly through Paris and sure enough, Chat Noir heard.

"Come on, Plagg! Ladybug will need our help," Adrien declared excitedly.

He always enjoyed seeing his Bug-a-boo.

"Ugh, but I hate transforming," Plagg complained.

"Stop moaning. We have work to do. PLAGG, CLAWS OUT!"

Adrien transformed into Chat Noir and slipped out of the window and waited by the Eiffel Tower. A few moments later, Ladybug swung onto the same rooftop that Chat Noir was on.

"Well, how are you today, M'lady?" Chat Noir asked, trying his best to sound flirtatious.

"Not now, Kitty." Ladybug seemed more annoyed than usual. "We have to save Pairs first."

"Of course. Where do you think the Akuma is?" Chat Noir inquired, trying to keep the conversation flowing.

"I'm not sure where it is, but I think I know who it is."

"Would you care to tell me, Bug-a-boo?" Chat Noir asked as he wiggled his eyebrows with a smirk.

She rolled her eyes, clearly annoyed by the nickname. "Of course, Cat," she agreed, playing along anyway. "I think that it's Luka Couffaine."

"Luka? Uh, never heard of him," Chat Noir lied. "Why do you think he got akumatized?"

"Luka asked out a girl, Marinette Dupain-cheng, but she turned down the offer for someone she already likes. O-or so I heard," she added nervously.

Chat Noir was about to state that he knew Marinette when he remembered it could reveal his identity. They're friends at school. At least he thinks. It's hard to tell with the way she always messes her words up. But his love belonged to Ladybug.


Chat Noir looked to where Ladybug was pointing. The villain was just sitting on the top of the Eiffel Tower, waiting for the fight.

Chat Noir grinned. He loved a surprise attack. Ladybug and Chat Noir sped through the streets of Paris and landed softly underneath Luka.

"Suprise attack?" Chat Noir whispered, hoping she would say yes.

"On my count, Chat Noir," Ladybug replied.

Yes! He'll never even see us coming.

"One, two," they both backed up, getting ready to pounce, "three!"

They jumped...and fell right into a trap. Luka avoided their attack and imprisoned them in a metal cage. Chat Noir gritted his teeth and faced the villain.

He inspected Luka's outfit, a black suit with blue stripes running down his arm. A broken heart with waves on it was on his chest. He carried a white, blue, and black guitar that played stringy water notes in the air. His hair seemed the same, just a lighter shade of blue with his bangs going down his forehead.

Chat Noir nodded with satisfaction. He still looked better.

"Well, well. How unusual. You thought you were going to get the upper hand, but now you're stuck," Luka analyzed, chuckling.

"Luka, let us out now!" Ladybug ordered.

"I am not Luka, I am Riptide! And I will get revenge on Marinette and take your miraculous for Hawk Moth!"

"It's not her fault that she doesn't like you. Not everyone will. And you don't need to get so bent out of shape because of it!" Ladybug yelled.

Chat Noir snickered. His partner was being fierce today. He looked at her with wide, adoring eyes.

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