24 Ladybug

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Ladybug jumped out the window and into the sky. The sun was setting. She would have stopped to enjoy the sunset, but her legs wouldn't stop running.

She did pause once because she caught something in the corner of her eye. It was a paper that showed a picture of her and Adrien, the word 'missing' displayed above. Ladybug felt bad for her parents. They were probably worried about her right now.

She shook it off. Ladybug had a much bigger problem on her hands. She ran ao Master Fu and didn't bother to knock.

"Master Fu!"

Master Fu was making tea with his kwami hovering above him.

"Ladybug. I could sense you were coming. What is wrong?"

"Adrian...his father...Hawk Moth! He took Adrien. He beat his own son!"

Ladybug shivered at the thought of Adrien's bloody chest and back.

"Mmm. I suppose you need help then," Master Fu said mostly to himself as he rubbed his beard.

Master Fu opened a panel on his record box and punched in a code. He took out an octagon-shaped box and opened it. There were miraculous filled inside the box.

"Pick an allie you can trust who can help you defeat Hawk Moth," Master Fu said.

Ladybug gaped. Who could she pick and what miraculous could she choose?

After a few seconds of staring at the miraculous, she chose the fox miraculous. It would grant the owner the power of illusion. And she had a plan of how to use that power.

Ladybug grasped it tightly and nodded at Master Fu. "I know just the right person."

Ladybug landed on Alya's roof and ran to the side of the window. She gazed inside and spotted Alya in the kitchen. She knocked frantically on the window. Alya peered up and smiled. She gladly opened it and let Ladybug in.

"L-Ladybug. What are you doing here?"

Ladybug ignored Alya's question and said, "Alya, you have been chosen to help me on a mission. Can you help me and use the fox miraculous for the greater good?"

Alya was speechless. "R-really?! Yes! A thousand times yes."

She smiled one more time then grabbed the box. She opened it and a fox kwami appeared.

"Hi, I'm Trix, your personal kwami," the little orange fox greeted.

Ladybug cleared her throat. "Only temporarily. When the mission is complete, you will have to return it to me. Chat Noir is gone for a while so I need someone else. I chose you, Alya. Don't make me regret it."

Alya nodded. She put the miraculous, a necklace, around her neck. The necklace looked like a fox's tail.

"Just say, TRIX, LET'S POUNCE!" Trix instructed.


Alya's clothing turned into a bright orange suit with white and black stripes. Her hair was pulled into a bouncy ponytail with white at the tips of her hair.

Alya gasped at the sight of herself. "Wow! I'm a real superhero!" she exclaimed.

"The flute on your back will make the illusions. But after you use it, you only have five minutes until you turn back. Use it wisely. Got it?" Ladybug asked.

"Got it. Now, what's this mission about?"

"We can't talk here. I'll tell you on the way there."

"Wait, now? It's night."

"Exactly. Your parents won't get worried about where you are if they think you're sleeping."

Alya took that into consideration. "Okay, let's go."

Ladybug nodded and jumped out the window. Alya followed suit. They landed on top of a building and started to run across it.

"Alright, the mission," Ladybug started. "We need to save someone. He was captured by Hawk Moth and is now being held captive. I managed to save the girl, but not him."

"Who are these people?" Alya asked.

Ladybug didn't need Alya asking any more questions so she decided to tell her.

"Adrien and Marinette."

Alya stopped. Ladybug glanced back and stopped too.

"What's wrong?"

"My girl Marinette was kidnapped? That's why she and Adrien were missing. Where is she now?"

"In a safe house. Trust me, she's fine. Adrien on the other hand might not be. Come on, we can't waste another second."

They started to run again. Ladybug halted at Adrien's house.

Ladybug pointed to the mansion in front of them. "He's in there."

Alya scratched her head. "That's weird how Hawk Moth would keep Adrien in the Agreste mansion. I'd take him to my secret lair or something."

Ladybug wanted to tell Alya that Gabriel was Hawk Moth, but she couldn't. The less Alya knew, the better.

"Alright Ladybug, let's do this," Alya said.

Ladybug needed to cover one more thing before they started to take action.

"I can't call you Alya. I need a fake name, a superhero name, to call you."

Alya thought for a moment. "Rena Rouge. Call me Rena Rouge."

Ladybug nodded. Rena Rouge and Ladybug jumped off the building and right in front of Adrien's house. The first step to Ladybug's plan was a success. Now for the hard part.

Rescuing Adrien.

Good job Ladybug and Rena Rouge. Save Adrien and get the hell out of there!
Bug Out.

860 words

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