1 Marinette

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"Oh jeez. What time is it, Tikki? NINE O'CLOCK? School already started!"

Ladybug and Chat Noir defeated an Akuma very late last night. Hawk Moth was certainly getting more anxious for Ladybugs' and Chat Noir's miraculous. And Marinette being the person that she is, overslept...again. She frantically got dressed and grabbed her school bag.

"Do you think Luka will still be mad at you?" Tikki asked.

"I hope not. I mean, he did get akumatized, but he should be better now," Marinette replied.

"He sure did put up a fight, didn't he?"

"Definitely. Now hurry, Tikki, hide!"

Tikki flew into Marinette's bag in a quick flash and they were both out of the door unnoticed.

"Girl, where were you? You missed the first class!" Alya practically shouted.

Alya was Marinette's best friend since the first day of school.

"Well, you know me. I slept in," Marinette answered, blushing from embarrassment.

"You're not the only one. Adrien is late too. Haven't seen him today," Alya said while looking at her phone texting Nino.

She always got too attached to her phone...and Nino, her boyfriend. While Alya was busy, Marinette pondered at what she had said.

Where is Adrien? Is he sick? Will he even come to school? I can't go a full day without seeing the love of my life!

Marinette had a huge crush on Adrien. Like, marriage was already thought in her head.

As the day went on, the more worried Marinette became. Second and third period came and went until lunch rolled around. Alya and Marinette sat down to eat. Feeling depressed that Adrien still wasn't at school, Marinette looked around the school, not wanting to eat.

I wish Adrien walked through the doors right now and hugged me or something. It would be better if he kissed me, but I'd probably stammer and get red like I always do.

Marinette sighed, remembering that she couldn't even talk to him without stuttering. She glanced towards the doors one last time. And as if her wish had been granted, Adrien strolled on through waving at Nino with his grey school bag around his shoulder.

Marinette smiled brightly and stared at Adrien, dreaming of the house they were going to live in...probably. Marinette caught some of Nino's and Adrien's conversation.

"Dude, why were you so late?" Nino questioned. "You're starting to act like Marinette. No offense to her or anything."

Marinette pursed her lips. Even though Nino said, 'no offense,' Marinette still took some offense towards it. What did it mean that Adrien was acting like her? She shook off the thought.

"My Father wanted to talk to me about modeling gigs. Guess it took longer than he anticipated." Adrien chuckled while scratching the back of his neck.

Adrien's father was a well-known fashion designer and Adrien got to model everything. And he looked good in it.

He's so cute with his warm smile and loving green eyes and golden hair.

Marinette could feel her heartbeat increase and her cheeks getting hot.

"Marinette," Alya whispered, "go talk to him."

Marinette snapped out of her daze, looking Alya in the eyes. "You know I'll make a fool of myself and I'll look like a tomato and I'll just keep thinking about how dreamy Adrien is and-"

"GIRL! You just need to take a deep breath and relax."

Marinette took Alya's advice, even knowing it probably wouldn't work, and tried her best to calm down.

"Okay Alya, what do I do?" Marinette finally asked with a sigh.

"Easy, you talk to him."

"That might work for you, but me? I don't even know what to do first."

"Don't worry, I'm an expert in helping," Alya hinted with a wink.

Alya got up and dragged Marinette to Adrien while taking Nino away so Marinette and Adrien could talk alone.

It took Marinette by surprise that she didn't realize her crush standing behind her, waiting for her to notice him.

Hello everyone! Thank you to those of you who read the first chapter. I hoped you liked it.
Bug Out.

681 words

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