15 Marinette

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"What did I just do, Tikki?"

Marinette was pacing with her hands on her head. School didn't start for a while so she had plenty of time to complain to her kwami.

"Calm down, Marinette," Tikki tried to comfort her friend.

"I can't! I kissed him! I KISSED CHAT NOIR!"

"Why don't you say it a bit louder for everyone to hear?" her kwami asked sarcastically.

Marinette took a deep breath. "You're right, Tikki. Stressing is not the way to go about this. It's just that I'm supposed to go to the movies tonight so I can forget about Adrien, or maybe just to make him jealous, but then I kissed Chat Noir, and...it's all messed up now."

Marinette sat on her floor. She started crying. Tikki was alarmed and rushed to her side.

"Maybe you need to move on from Adrien. You might find a surprise if you date Chat Noir," Tikki suggested.

Marinette looked up at Tikki horribly confused. "What are you talking about?"

"Nothing, Marinette."

Tikki knew that Chat Noir was Adrien. And knowing Adrien, he was probably going to reveal his secret identity. Which as much as Tikki hated, it was time for them to know who was really under the masks.

Marinette got up and gave her magical friend a sad smile. "You're right, you always are. Thank you."

"You're welcome. Now we better get going."

Marinette nodded and ran to the door with Tikki hiding in her bag.

School finally ended. Marinette and Alya waited outside for their friends so they could head to the movies.

"Aren't you excited!?" Alya asked.

"Alya...I don't think I want to be with Adrien anymore. I mean, I've tried my whole life, finally sort of dated him then got dumped in less than a week. I think I'm finally done with him," Marinette realized with a sigh.

Alya's jaw dropped. "I'm...proud and disappointed in you. We went through a lot of trouble to get you and Adrien together only for it to be thrown away. Which is actually fine because it was funny to see you embarrass yourself...no offense or anything. But what about Nathaniel?"

Marinette thought for a moment. "I'll say that I want to be friends and maybe more later on."

Alya nodded. "That seems like the right approach. Oh, they're here."

Marinette and Alya waved. Nino came over first and hugged Alya. Nathaniel came next and walked straight to Marinette.

"Hey, Marinette," Nathaniel greeted.

"Hi. Ready to go? I can't wait. This is going to be so fun with a new friend."

"Oh...yeah. Just a couple of friends going to the movies."

Nathaniel seemed disappointed. As predicted.

"Maybe we could be more in the future, but for now, I'm glad just to be friends," Marinette said softly.

Nathaniel looked up and smiled. "I can deal with that. Let's go!"


The four friends turned around and saw Luka and Adrien jogging up to them. Everyone but Marinette gasped.

"Mind if we tag along?" Adrien asked.

Luka kissed the side of his neck then took Adrien's hand. Guess they were dating. Marinette took a deep breath. It was time to move on.

"Better hurry if we're gonna see that movie. C'mon!" Marinette ushered.

"Wow. That movie was awesome, dude!" Nino shouted.

"Yeah, it was," Adrien shouted back.

They watched a thriller-packed movie that all of them enjoyed.

"Nino and I should be heading off," Alya stated. "You guys have a good time. Bye."

A chorus of 'byes' echoed as Nino and Alya left.

"I should be going too. Bye, Marinette."

"Bye, Nathaniel."

They waved and Nathaniel started walking to town. Marinette turned towards Adrien and Luka.

"Bye guys. I had fun."

"Bye," Luka said.

"See ya. We should do this again," Adrien decided.


Marinette smiled and walked in the other direction. She stopped when she heard Luka and Adrien shout. Marinette quickly dove behind the building and eavesdropped on their conversation.

I probably shouldn't be doing this, Marinette thought as she continued to listen.

[This was from a meme that went like, "We should stop eating these cookies," Mr. Toad said as he ate another one. I love that one.]

"I can't do this anymore. My feelings are so jumbled and confused," Adrien said quietly.

Luka dropped his hand from Adrien's and stared at him. "You're confused? That's your excuse? I thought I was doing the right thing, but now you want to break up?!" Luka snapped.

Adrien looked down. "It's not you, Luka. I just can't love anyone in the way they want to be loved." That shut Luka up. Adrien continued talking. "I dated you because at first, you forced me to. That's not how I would like to start my relationships. Maybe after being alone for a while, I might come back to you. Or someone else. But for now, I don't want to date anyone. I'll just screw it up."

Luka turned Adrien's face so they could see each other's eyes. "You didn't mess anything up. It was my fault. I'm sorry for snapping." Luka smiled faintly and brushed his lips on Adrien's cheek. "Bye, Adrien."

Luka walked to the river where his boat was. Adrien waited until he couldn't see Luka anymore then ran in Marinette's direction. He reached her before she could run away.

"A-Adrien! I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have listened," she stammered nervously.

Marinette felt guilty for staying and not leaving. Adrien just shook his head, he was in too much of a hurry.

"It's fine, Marinette. Really. I have to go," Adrien said before running off.

Marinette felt useless.

What was that all about? I hope he's okay.


Marinette walked up to her bedroom and collapsed on the floor.

"I'm exhausted, Tikki," Marinette mumbled. Marinette looked up. "Tikki? Where are you..."

Marinette yelped. She must have left Tikki at the movie theater. Tikki wanted a drink, Marinette got distracted because Nathaniel was telling a joke...and the rest was a blur. She scrambled to her feet and jumped when she heard something tap on her window. Chat Noir.

"Chat! We have to go to the movie theater. I left something very important there," Marinette pleaded.

Chat Noir didn't ask questions. He pulled Marinette tight to him and used his pole to zoom through Paris. The two heroes, one in a mask and one not, held tightly to each other.

Will Tikki be discovered by anyone?
Bug Out.

1079 words

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