Wendy's My Wife [Roceit]

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This story is on crack. I have no prompts or ideas so... help?


Deceit and Roman were at a Wendy's in the memories. Roman had a craving for a Wendy's Baconater and Deceit decided to take him on a date. The memory was actually of Thomas's first date ever with a boy from his middle school. Fitting, isn't it?

So they got their food and sat down next to memory figment Thomas and his boyfriend at the time. Do boyfriends in middle school even count? Let's put some quotations around that. Thomas's "boyfriend" at the time.

So Roman ripped into his baconator and instantly rolled his eyes back into his head. Deceit smiled and took one of the biggie fries out of the box. Yes, they still call the, biggie fries. Roman had ketchup smeared on his lip after one mega bite. He said the best line of 2019 with his mouth full.

"Oh my god. Wendy's my waifu."

Deceit almost choked on his Diet Doctor Pepper. Roman was so gay that even saying the word waifu or wife made him cringe. Deceit rose an eyebrow and couldn't stop laughing. He barely laughed out a "What" before his boyfriend tried to eleborate himself.

"Wendy's my Wife. I love Wendy."

Roman ate almost three fourths of his burger by now, ketchup all over his mouth. Even a little bit of mayonase. He took out a piece of bacon from the sandwich, eating it without the rest of the burger. Deceit held up his hand, showing off the ring that Roman himself slipped on his finger.

"Roman. I'm your husband."

He shook his head and pointed to his burger. Wait, nevermimd the burger is gone. He noticed this and lifted up his order of biggie fries that he hasn't even touched yet. Was he delirious from hunger or was he just insane?

"Nah, Dee. Wendy's my number one. I love Wendy."

Deceit rolled his eyes, going along with this little prank. Okay. Roman Loved Wendy more than him. Deceit's favorite part of Roman being Drunkedly hungry and Megan thirsty for Wendy. Even though he's hella gay. 

"Whatever you say, Roman. You're in love with Wendy and you would much rather have her than your gay husband who has been by your side forever."

Deceit took one of his chicken nuggets, because he's that evil bastard that buys chicken nuggets from Wendy's, and bit off half of it. Roman winked at him, smiling after stuffing more biggie fries in his mouth.


This is the man that Deceit fell in love with.

No doubt.

415 Words

I'm mega craving Wendy's. Help meeeeeeee. I'm also watching a compilation of Arin from Game Grumps talk about Wendy's. I'm also mega uninspired.

Advice: Don't love fast food more than your partner. 

Internet hugs and blow kisses!


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