I Just Relaized We Are At 5.5k Reads so Have a Crack Cluster Of Memeshots

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I spent over three hours of my day working on this off and on. I was going to do Remy and Picani Ships with the LAMP stuff but I gave up after eight. I have four tests tomorrow so have these memeshots. They're crackfics but based on imagine your OTP prompts and memes. 



Roman was just living his best life with Virgil in the room. Both of them were chilling and having a good old time being boyfriends. Virgil has his earphones in so he didn't hear when Roman mumbled the lyrics to whatever song he was listening to on the Alexa. However this was a big mistake because everybody knows when a certain song comes on Roman decides to go Tamaki Suoh level narcissist. Roman suddenly sprung up and pointed to Virgil, beaming. Virgil rose an eyebrow at him, extremely confused. Roman annoyingly turns off the Alexa song Virgil takes out his earbuds. He repeated whatever he said, trying to get something out of Virgil.

"I'm too hot! I'M TOO HOT!!!"

Virgil rolled his yes, trying not to smile. Here Roman was flailing his arms in his direction with a desperate and angry look on his face trying to get him to say a line. He even yelled to repeat himself like a mad director baby when one of the lead roles misses their cue for the third time during dress rehersal. He knows what that looked like because he was watching Roman at dress rehearsal once and that actually happened with his director. And by Roman he means Thomas. Screw logic and how the world of Sanders Sides works. After watching Roman be a red baby he finally scoffed and said the two little words Roman was aching to hear.

"Hot Damn."

Roman smiled and instantly went back to relief. He began belting out the rest of the lyrics and Virgil put his earbuds back in. He said it once so he doesn't have to say it again. But Virgil couldn't focus on the early 2000s emo music blaring in his ears. He just focused on watching his boyfriend with no context dancing around like his shit don't stink. It was hilarious without hearing the music behind it. Virgil spent the next half hour contemplating why he was even dating this adorable dork.


Logan was working on a project that he had to get done relatively soon, however he thought he'd be fine multitasking and texting his boyfriend while he did this said task. The task didn't matter, what Patton was saying did. They were talking randomly about cute things and mostly Logan was trying to convince Patton that they couldn't get a kitten. His main argument was the fact that Patton was allergic to cats and Patton said he'll magically get over his allergy like it was some sort of feeling. No, Patton. That's not how science works, only the heart. Patton decided to change the subject and ask about a movie night instead. Logan was really in the Kodak for s movie, especially using it as a motive to get this project done quicker. Okay, the project was an essay. A letter of recommendation for Terrence trying to get accepted into college.

🦋PreciousBoyfriend🦋: Let's Watch Sharkboy And Lavagirl! 💙🧡💙🧡💙🧡💙🧡

Logan chuckled at his boyfriends mass use of heart emojis. He just loved emojis in general. If there was an emoji for the situation, he'd put in at least three. If there was t a specific emoji, he'd add a bunch of hearts. Patton was an emoji man. As for the movie, Sharkboy and Lavagirl was a favorite of Thomas's childhood, thus being one of Patton's favorite movies. If he can make his boyfriend happy then he didn't see why not. He was about to reply when Patton suddenly sent another text message.

🦋PreciousBoyfriend🦋: And cuddle during the scary parts! ❤️😘😍😻💋👥👨‍❤️‍👨🧢🌙🌈💛

Again with the emojis. Logan put down his phone once he read that message and stared at the essay. He felt himself literally crash and reboot as if he was internet explorer or Microsoft word. He needed a reboot from that statement. PAtton was just so cute and so stupid sometimes. Well, ignorant is the better word. Logan picked his phone back up and ended up sending his text message in three different parts. He was a bit trigger happy with the send button. Whoops. But hey, at least it looks more 'aesthetic' as the kids say. He used that vocab term correctly, right?

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